
Saturday, April 5, 2014

My teddy bear!

I want to introduce to you my new teddy bear. Yes, what is wrong with a grandma having a teddy bear? wink! I didn't had any when I was a child, maybe that is the reason:) No, I am not talking about my husband as my new bear, but another one.

Well, before I go to the details of my teddy bear, just want to tell you of my wonderful day yesterday. Yes, my hubby is home again and waking up with him beside me gives me a wonderful feeling.
Not to mention the sunrise that morning. Beautiful. Sunrise that can make each and everyone smile!

But, although my hubby had just come home, we couldn't hold each other's hands whole the day. He had a lot of things to do and I had to go to work.

For all who has been following my blog, you already know that I work in an activity center for the elderly. One of my job is to make something to sell from the things they managed to create with their limited capacities.

Well, after some time, we are now having lots of knitted squares in different sizes and colors from left over yarns. I need to be creative and make semething out of them.
Her is my latest project. I sewed together some of those knitted squares and this is the beginning.

Now, I created a new teddy bear. Here he is, sitting on the chair.

he is tired now:)

Can you help me find a name for him?

On that day too, I invited an entertainer to sing and play music for the elderly. I just love to see those smiles from their faces. They were touched by the music, dance with it and sung with the entertainer. That is what I call, worth all the effort.

Anyway, this girl or grandma is very lucky for having friends who are very generous. I got this knitted kitchen towel and a cloth from a very sweet lady who works also in the nursing home.
She just gave it to me. No occasion at all. Same lady who had given me a knitted Ms. Santa last Christmas. I just don't know why she is so nice to me. I haven't given her any gifts at all.
Maybe, it is about time I return the favor:)

Those things had given me energy. So when I arrived home, I started cleaning my garden. It is spring time and there are lots of things to do.

Some of my spring flowers that are sprouting

Now, I am finished with this part. Top of an iceberg. Anyway, soon the tulips will blossom too.

Anyway, bye for now. Time to cuddle with my hubby bear:)

Thought for the day

If you need comfort

Even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, 
I fear no evil;
for thou art with me.
Thy rod and Thy staff,
they comfort me.

Psalm 23: 4



  1. Hello Joy.
    So funny bear it must be fond
    You start with the garden, so nice flowers with you.
    Nice pictures, have a nice Saturday from Marit.

    1. Thanks Marit.
      Ha en fin helg til deg også:)

  2. awww. beautifully crafted bear and your pictures inspire me. Spring, flowers to me always = hope. Happy weekend Joy.

    1. Thanks nikki. With God there is always hope:)

  3. We have to do much in spring like you. During winter the coldness break my motivation to do something outside. Your bear is cute and nice work.
    Enjoy garden work!

    1. Thanks Sarah for the comment and for visiting:)

  4. Your bear reminds me of Mr, Bean so can you name him Mr. T.?

    1. I mean "Mr. Bean" pala ha ha

    2. Jonathan suggestion was joy since I made it. So what about bean joy:)))

  5. So envious, gardening, spring time, flowers, then the bear! Wahhhh! The weather here is a killer and it had been drying the plants so the top portions of my flowering trees are turning brown. I received a bear from another blogger some years ago and it is my very first one. I treasure it a lot. I named it Poi, the person who gave it to me. Since you made the bear, let me call her Joy.

    1. Well, I need some heat here Jonathan:)
      Nice name for the bear:)

  6. Ganda, I want one too. I-handcarry na lang. :)

    1. Hi hi. Then, yon na lang laman ng handcarry ko. Laki kaya nyan:)

  7. Cute bear Joy .... you can name it Galak , Tagalog for Joy he he he : )


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.