
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Liebster award!

Surprise, surprise. A blog friend gave me this award.


Wanda  share her thoughts on the three B(s)

                            Blogging  from a faith perspective

I am so lucky to get to know here in blogworld.

Here are her questions for  me and my answers:
  1. If you could rent a time machine for a day would you like to revisit the past or be catapulted into the future? The last choice. I think I want to visit my time with God in heaven.
  2. What is  one of the best pieces of advice you ever received? Don't give up!
  3. Which color would best describe your personality? Maybe yellow because they say that I bring inspiration and joy to the people around me.
  4. What is one thing you would include on your bucket list if you had one? Travel around the world!
  5. What is something you once believed was truth but no longer do? Satans lies!
  6. If you were to write a book telling your life’s story what would you title the book? Cinderella! Actually, I had began writing my story and shares it in my blog: The title is " Cinderella." 
  7. What is something you would like to change on your blog but not quite sure how? The looks!
  8. When it comes to blogging do you have specific schedule or do you write when you feel inspired? Both!
  9. What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday? Home with my hubby...or doing handcrafts or reading books!
  10. What color are the walls in your favorite room of your home? light blue. Our bedroom:)
  11. If you had to pass along one word of wisdom to next generation, what would it be? " The best is yet to come. Explore, work, hope and love".
The rule actually is to make a list of 11 questions and pass on the five blogger friends.
But Wanda's questions are wonderful so if any of you want to join and answer her questions, be free to do so in the comment section:)

So I hope to get answers from more than five blogger friends:)

Ending this post with my prayer for the day:

Live today...our decisions today affects our tomorrows....
Father, make our hearts soft and sensitive for you TODAY.
Be obedient when we walk in the wilderness or in the flowering fields.
Let our hearts be always tuned in to you, 
so that we will follw your ways. 
Do not let us turn away from your words.
I pray that we encourage each other daily.
 As you inspired us with your goodness and marvelous deeds,
 let us also inspire others with your goodness through us. 
Help us to be bold and hold on until the end.
In Jesus name I pray.



  1. What a fitting title to your life story, "Cinderalla."

  2. Congrats for the award Joy!
    Enjoyed reading your post!

  3. Congrats!
    Here's my answer :)
    1. Revisit the past and see the time that I spent with my late mother.
    2. Be brave! (And I took it seriously)
    3. Red. The color of a fighter
    4. Write a book or a novel.
    5. I can't remember any at the moment.
    6. The Story of Me (corny:)
    7. I would like to change the appearance every 6 months but I don't have the time.
    8. I write when I'm in the mood. I don't follow any schedule.
    9. Family time with movie marathon and cooking for them.
    10. Peach. The living room where we all sprawled at the floor during family time.
    11. (My very own) For whatever bit of good you share to the world will make the world a bit better to be in.

  4. Hello on a gorgeous, spring day in TENNESSEE. Wow---after the long and bitter winter we had this year, Spring is even more inviting and lovely.

    Congrats on your award. I used to participate in things like that--but don't anymore (no time)... I did enjoy reading your answers... You are such an inspiration to ALL.

    We are now home 'again' --after our 5th trip since the end of February.... Seems as if we visited five different states --although the trips weren't planned for that reason... ha... BUT--as I always say, it's great to be home... I did publish a blog post today--so check it out when you have time. Have a wonderful weekend.



Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.