
Friday, April 18, 2014


How real is it to you? Crucifixion?

For me, it is everything. Because of what Jesus had done, I am now saved.

But for some, they have to do it again and again believing that they can pay for their sins and others. Or by doing so, they feel that they are suffering for Jesus. Do you believe in that?
In my opinion, they don't have to do that. Jesus suffered already for us all. They only have to believe and achieve Jesus  forgiveness. It is a free gift.
But remembering what Jesus had done is the true spirit of Holy Week.

Others will torture themselves because they thought that they can pay their sins by doing so. What is the use of that if their hearts are not truly repentant? 
What do you think?

Last year, I celebrated my with Holy Week with my family in the Philippines. 

We went to Bonifacio High Street to remember what Jesus had done for us.

Let us reminisce what Jesus did for all of us by reading the story.

Jesus said:

Garden of Gethsemane


Here was my family who pinned their green strips

Grandkids signed their names in the book

My son-in-law carried the cross to at least feel how Jesus felt.

My grandchildren wrote their prayers

Pieces of red cloths to be hammered on the cross. Sign of Jesus blood that was shed for our sins.

Thankful notes to Jesus

bread and wine at the end

Now we were all hungry after our pilgrimage:)

We went to this Restaurant to eat.

The foods that we ordered. Typical Filipino foods...

Pictures were taken last year. 
Saying goodbye with this picture. Me and my grandkids.

Food for the soul
For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish
but have eternal life.

John 3:16



  1. I hope they do this thing every year to remind people of the suffering and love of the Lord Christ to all of us. It is also a great reminder to help the Earth, the people around us, and ourselves. What fitting reminders of our worldly ways and how to make ourselves better.

  2. May you and your family have a blessed Easter!

  3. Wonderful and powerful post, Joy. Amen! Jesus paid it all. Happy Easter to you.

  4. wishing you a very happy Easter you and your beautiful family.

  5. A powerful story.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.