
Monday, March 24, 2014

Fun, fun!

How are you all doing my friends?
 A new week has began. 
Me...busy as a bee! Anyway, It has been a month now since I came home from my vacation in the Philippines.

I still have lots to share from my vacation there and I just want to share some of my unforgettable moments here.
Like feeding the kids.  How I loved those " goat babies." I like to call them that because kids sounds children to me:)

Me and my eldest daughter Chelsea. First time for both of us. Can you see the smiles?
How about those cuties? They are so sweet.  Sweeter than us:) Don't you agree? Well, when they grow up...maybe they will not be so sweet anymore.

Anyway, it was Ethan ( fifth granchild) who tried it first. They arrived at the place before us. 
One can buy a bottle of milk for 30 pesos. The kids sucked hungrily. I wonder where was the mother goat?

waaah! Now there are two who wants a bottle of milk.

Well,  the rest of my grandchildren came and wanted to try to feed the kids too. First time for all of them too. This moment was unforgettable. Living in a city, they don't have the chance to interact with animals on daily basis. 

But guess what my oldest grandchild  Jan Andrei did later? Look at him! He wanted to hold a snake and put that creepy thing on his shoulder. But believe me, he was the only one who was tough enough. The rest of us stayed in the background.

He said that it was his dream to hold a snake and his father granted the wish:)
I think he was a tough boy!

Well, I will share more fun stories from 

in my upcoming post, like feeding the lions. Hope you join the fun!

Thought for the day

If you face trial

And He has said to me, 
" My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is perfected in weakness."

Most gladly therefore, 
I will rather boast about my weaknesses,
that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

2 Corinthians 12:9



  1. Sounds like a wonderful vacation, especially the goat babies! I don't think I would have ventured anywhere near that snake, though!
    Welcome back & God bless,

  2. Joy, this looks like a wonderful time!!! I love this series of photos. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Nice , feeding the kids by a bunch of kids he he : )

  4. he's braver than I'd be with that snake

  5. Herlige bilder!
    Som dere koser dere sammen!
    Ha en strålende ny uke :-)

  6. Barn og dyr hører sammen, så flotte bilder.
    Jeg liker ikke slanger men de er fascinerende bare jeg slipper å ta på de hehe.

    Ha en fin dag Joy.

  7. Nice activities for children. Being with animals can teach them a lot, empathy for one. Glad they enjoyed that trip!

  8. I love animals. This does look fun!

  9. There is no place like home dear. You are always welcome to come back. :)

  10. It is great for children to interact with animals and nature...especially when they do live in a place where they don't see them . Such beautiful smiles... Diane

  11. i bet you have a great fun in that vacation, it can be gleaned in all your smiles.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.