
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Feeding the tigers!

Hi friends! Hope you are all fine and doing well.
Here at home is very quiet. I am having myself and myself as a companion. Well, I have nothing against it. I love quietness. Sign of old age? Maybe.
Anyway, it is good to reminisce my last vacation in the Philipines last february.

As you can see, I am not finished with my blog there yet. There are so much to share. This time is our experience in feeding the tigers.
As I said before, I don't like seeing animals in cage, but if they are free, then I am the one who should be in cage.
Like in this  case. Since we were going to feed the tigers where they roam free, they put us in a cage...I mean a mini bus where we were protected by the lattice. We didn't want to be eaten by hungry tigers, so we were satisfied with it. 

Meet the whole family:)

Did you see the tigers roaming around us? Well, they were hungry. One tiger climbed on the roof of the mini buss. We were shocked!

My daughter bought some chicken pieces to feed the animals, but we didn't dare to do it.
Luckily, we had the guide with us.

He feed the tigers. I said, "be careful with your fingers"...thinking of mine..


another one

and another one

oh my! The guide opened the small window

I believe he knows what he did!

Well, the tigers seemed to be nice. Actually, the Zoo spares money in  food expenses for the animals because the visitors buy the food for them. Sometimes, when there are so many visitors, the tiger's doesn't want to eat anymore:)
This time, we were lucky. They were hungry!

It was really an adventure for all of us and we were all fascinated, but my youngest grandchild told the guide " dont do it, it is dangerous".

Well, time to change to another bus with a sweeter guide. This time, we were on the way to see an animal show. See you there next time.

Food for the thought:
If you need patience

But let patience have her perfect work,
that ye may be perfect and entire,
wanting nothing.

James 1:4


  1. Natawa ko sa daliri mo. Dangerous nga naman.

  2. Hi hi. Kita mo napatawa kita:)

  3. saya saya naman ng experience na yan.

  4. yay! ahaha pero i want to experience this lolz

  5. I enjoyed feeding the tigers with you! I would let the guide do it too! Glad you all enjoyed the day trip!

  6. Wow Joy, that is quite a journey! Love the big cats. I like being alone and having it quiet as well. I still love being with people, but I really enjoy my alone quiet time in the evenings.

  7. Zoobic Safari!!!!! This is the best experience being there! Ever! Ohbwait, the photo op with the tiger pa pala! Hehehe

  8. I imagine tigers are much nicer than we'd imagine. Especially ones kept in captivity

  9. Katakot na adventure ito he he : )

  10. Hi Joy, Great pictures from the Philipines.. Looks like an incredible zoo.. I'm sure the kids loved seeing the tigers.. Not sure "I" would feed though --but I'd definitely WATCH.

    Maybe Spring is finally coming to our area this week... I hope so since it has been a LONG winter and a crazy one!!!!


  11. I don't like to see animals in small cages either. We have a large animal park near us where animals are free for the most part also... but we aren't allowed to feed them...We see them in our cars as we drive through or a bus but windows are closed.... Diane

  12. That's a perfect getaway with kids and family. I love going to the zoo but I'm kinda scared with all the tigers to feed.

  13. Natuwa ako sa white tiger :D gusto ko rin ma-experience yan Mommy Joy :))

  14. Feeding the tigers would have been quite an experience! I'm not sure I would have enjoyed being so close. Did the tigers growl at you?


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.