
Friday, March 21, 2014

A beautiful day!

Yes, a beautiful day when the sky is blue and the sun is in the mood to shine, like today.

Yesterday, it was wet snow and it was slippery on the road. 

Well, to make the day a little bit colorful, I wore this pink dress at work. I found that it is better that I can contribute something nice to my everyday life, sunshine or rain.

That day, we read poems that we composed together and  began to  write a short story where every one contributed. We sung songs too and laugh a lot.  A beautiful day.

After work, my friend asked me to go with her to a nearby restaurant where they make delicious meals and pastries. She wanted to celebrate something that she wouldn't tell me what it was. 

Here is a sample of the cakes they are making there.

She ordered for us goulash soup served in a  bowl that looks like a piggy bank eaten with bread.

cake for dessert

Well, I was thankful for my friends kindness, but had to go home to make dinner for me and my daughter who wanted to eat with me that day.

I made pancit. Typical food for us who came from the Philippines. Pancit is a mixture of chopped vegetables, meat and noodles with spices that one like.

Today, I made waffels for the elderly

With " troll cream" It was made of eggwhite, sugar, vanilla sugar and berries

A heart to taste before serving:)

Since I always serves cakes to the eldery, there are always leftovers. Then I use these leftovers to  feed the birds,
alhough a neigbor does not want these birds to be around bacause they polluting the garden with their poppos.

I just love them anyway.

Opps, they discovered me taking pictures.

Bye for now!

How's your day?

Words to ponder if you worry:

Cast your cares on the Lord 
and He will sustain  you.

Psalms 55:22



  1. Those food looks delicious :-)

  2. Nice post, you are lovely. Please visit my new blog.

  3. Replies
    1. Oo nga Mel. My daughter likes pancit too.
      have a nice day:)

  4. You look beautiful, Joy! You are very photogenic. Great post, thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Wow Joy this is not only a happy day but also a yummy day ha ha.

    Here goes again with your tempting food that makes me crave or food hu hu hu.

    Btw, I will do the same for the birds even if my neighbors won't appreciate them hi hi hi

    1. Thanks Balut.
      Oo nga Bslut. Sayang kasi leftover foods kung itapon lang.

  6. You look great mommy Joy and the foods look sumptuous!

    1. Thanks Jay:)
      Have a nice weekend to you:)

  7. my mom leaves stale bread for the birds too

  8. Happy to see na sunny and a bit warm na ang weather nyo jan Mommy Joy :)

    You look great on your work outfit and the foods looks yummy!

    Kaaliw yung mga birds :))

  9. Hi Joy, You look so pretty in your pink dress.. That definitely does bring some color to EVERYONE --and should make people smile...

    We are having a tiny bit of spring weather here now--but they say that winter is not over yet for us...

    Your Pancit looks so delicious... YUM.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Betsy.
      The weather is changing from snow to rain and shine in the past few days. I long for warm temperature.
      have a nice weekend to you too:)

  10. What did your friend want to celebrate???? I'm dying to know.
    And that Pancit looks amazing! You should do a post on how to make it along with the recipe so we can make it too.

    1. She didn't say directly, but she is writing a story about her life and she was finished with the first one.
      Then she will start a new story:)
      Next time Michelle, I will write pancit's recipe:)

  11. It looks like you both had a wonderful time!

    1. Yes, we had McGuffy Ann.
      have a nice weekend to you:)

  12. Så godt at du prøve gjere dagen god.
    Herleg å vere gamal der du jobbar :-)

    Stor klem

    1. Koselig det kjære søsteren bak "Refleksjon på livsvegen:)

  13. WOW you did have a lovely day and we all should treat our day as a blessing of giving and receiving. Your photos as always are awesome!

  14. Nice pink dress Ms. Joy : ) ... sarap nga ng pansit , my fave food he he he : )

  15. My neighbour doesn't really like birds either but they're mostly on our property... and I like to put our feeders out for them especially since we've had so much snow and cold weather.. Diane


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.