
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dead, but alive!

Not me, of course! In fact I feel so alive especially now. One more night sleep and of I go to visit my loved ones in the Philippines and to meet bloggers friends in PBO's outreach.

 I am talking about these trees, no leaves, looks dry, brown in color but they are alive inside. In spring time, they will sprout again. Anyway, I think they still have charm as you can see in the pictures.


Frozen mushrooms


Ending this post with these flowers and I hope that I can still post once in a while during my vacation in the Philippines.

Hugs from me!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes senyor. Looking forward to see you all:)

  2. Beautiful sunrise and sunset photos... Love your blooms also... Gorgeous!!!!

    Bet you are excited about going 'home'.... I know you will love seeing your kids and grandkids... Have a wonderful trip.


    1. Thanks Betsy:)
      So excited that I am already awake at 3 am this morning:)

  3. That trees represents Norwegian people hehe, they may give you cold treatment or no glance at all, but once you be friend them, get to know well and get their trust, they are really warm and kind-hearted people ;)

    By the way, pwedeng sumama? Baka may space pa sa maleta mo mommy Joy hahaha

    1. Oo nga no Gracie. You are right.
      Puede ka sama. Extra luggage:)

  4. Even if they don't have leaves, they look lovely :) Have a happy trip here in the Philippines! :)

  5. They may seem dead but not. What I can say, using my artistic side, are beautiful creations. Part of how God distinctly made it. Their process of living is so unique that it only happens in countries with four seasons.

    The photos are amazing.

    1. True Jay! That shows how amazing our God is;)

  6. Nakakatuwa ang mga trees ano , they seem like dead but they are coming back to life once another season has passed , they resurrect , so to speak . Parang si Jesus Christ lang ang peg di ba ?

  7. Bildene er så vakre! Trærne passer perfekt under den blå himmel! Det er så mye spennende å treffe på i vinterlandskapet! Takk for koselig kommentar på mitt siste innlegg! Jeg er "Dagmamma" For lille Molly. Det er hunden til Rhea. Hun er min svigerdatter som er født på Filippinene. Kanskje får hun besøk av sin søster til sommeren.
    God tur til Filippinene! Klem fra Jorunn

  8. Beautiful trees! I long for springtime.

  9. Have a great trip, Joy! And make sure to take us along by posting lots of pictures!

  10. Have fun on your trip back home, Ate Joy.

  11. Beautiful photos.... Have a wonderful trip Joy.. safe journey! Diane

  12. you never failed to show beautiful pictures in your post mommy Joy ;)

  13. Joy, sana magkita tayo face to face... now that I am back in the homeland also after 4 months in the US... THe pictures you shared here of trees in the winter are also the same kind of trees we had in the East Coast of the US during December and January. I actually loved looking at those trees. So beautiful, so humble... yes, dead but alive. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your visit to our beautiful country...

  14. I was unaware that you are again in the Philippines Mami. I learned it from Jeison. See you sa outreach Mami. Beautiful shot of sunrise again. Gives me hope esp now na sad ako.

  15. since late ako ng blog visit di ko narealize sa last post mo na ung thursdya palang ung ee kahapon pa hahaha welcome back to pinas!

  16. too bad... parang hindi ko yata kayo ulit mami-meet Mommy Joy... /sigh

    anyways, have a safe trip po!

  17. Hi, Joy! So happy to stop by and visit with you today! Love the pictures of the trees...yes, they are still alive and so beautiful, even without their leaves. So stately and strong against the beautiful sky. I trust you enjoy your visit in the Philippines immensely. Cherish every moment! Hope to hear from you while you are there. God's peace and blessings to you, Cheryl

  18. Utterly stunning photography, there is something sad seeing the trees all stripped like that but they are beautiful with the sky like that.


  19. Enjoy your trip and the warmer weather. :-)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.