
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Why Lord?

                                                   I don’t understand.....

Two young boys look at the devastation in the aftermath of typhoon Haiyan

My heart aches for those that were affected by the strongest typhoon
( Haiyan) ever hit the Philippines lately. For those that lost their loved ones, livelihood and homes. Everyone’s heart grieves for these people, dear people from my homeland, who cried in despair for help to survive. Still many had not been reached; assuming that a lot already had died because of lack of food, sickness and despair. Some maybe are in their last breath, still hoping to be rescued.

Clean up: Police and military personnel are removing bodies from the streets of Tacloban as they try to restore orde
How can we describe the pain of those that were and still are in the midst of this catastrophe? Those who had seen with their own eyes that their loved ones had been taken away from them by the strong wind and waves and they were helpless. Those that had seen and experienced the hunger, the desperation, and the death that surrounds them. The whole world was grieving for these precious people. Hearts were touched, help had been sent and still many are doing their best to help. To lend a helping hand for those who are suffering. To just at least ease a little bit of their undescribable pain.

Rescue effort: The Philippine's Special Reaction Unit join soliders in the search for the bodies of victims of Typhoon Haiyan

One can ask “ Where was/is God in the midst of all these heartbreaking scenes”? If our hearts has been moved, how about the one who created us? God who is love and died for us?  Couldn’t he just stop that strong typhoon before it hit the land and devastated everything ? What was/is the meaning of it all? Is it to awaken the sinners? Is it to remind us how fragile and short our lives are? Or is it to give us the opportunity to give a helping hand? To touch heart of stones?  To be thankful for every blessing one has?  Or was it the wrath of God because of rampant wickedness everywhere?  God who created everything, whom we just take for granted and just call when the going gets tough. God that some mocked and got the blame for everything. God that many does not believe exist? Yes, what does GOD feels?

Scavenging: A young boy pushing a trolley in search of water passes a coffin containing a victim of Typhoon Haiyan in Tacloban

It didn’t help my understanding when I read God’s words one morning. It says:

Proverbs 1: 2-33

 Out in the open wisdom calls aloud,
    she raises her voice in the public square;
21 on top of the wall[
d] she cries out,
    at the city gate she makes her speech:
22 “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?
    How long will mockers delight in mockery
    and fools hate knowledge?
23 Repent at my rebuke!
    Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,
    I will make known to you my teachings.
24 But since you refuse to listen when I call
    and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand,
25 since you disregard all my advice
    and do not accept my rebuke,
26 I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you;
    I will mock when calamity overtakes you—
27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
    when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,
    when distress and trouble overwhelm you.
28 “Then they will call to me but I will not answer;
    they will look for me but will not find me,
29 since they hated knowledge
    and did not choose to fear the Lord.
30 Since they would not accept my advice
    and spurned my rebuke,
31 they will eat the fruit of their ways
    and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.
32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them,
    and the complacency of fools will destroy them;
33 but whoever listens to me will live in safety
    and be at ease, without fear of harm.”

Please help us: Thousands of children and families are still in desperate need of the basics of shelter, food and clean water

Then I wondered….was it God’s way of reminding each and every one to repent?

I felt so helpless and I uttered this prayer to God.

Father I pray that you put desires in our hearts to attain wisdom and understanding from  You and Your words. To receive insights from You, to use into our everyday lives and to share to each other. Let us be disciplined by Your rebuke and do what is right and fair.
Thank You for reminding us that to fear You is the beginning of knowledge. So let us fear You out of respect and love. Let us not give in into sin that entice us, or go along with those that indulge in it or set our feet on their paths.

Let us hear Your call despite the disturbing noise that makes our ears deaf from Your voice. Respond to Your rebuke so that You can pour Your heart on us and made Your thoughts known to us. Help us not to love our simple ways, but Your precious way of doing things. Because Your ways are perfect Lord.  Do not let us reject You when You call. I pray that we will reach into Your hands that You are stretching to us. Let us understand that Your advice is the best for us.

I pray these Lord, so that You will not laugh at us when calamity strikes us like a storm. When disaster sweeps over us like a whirlwind. When stress and troubles overwhelm us. So that You will answer when we call unto Thee. We will find You when we look for You. However, help us to seek You with all our heart, soul and spirit, so that we will eat the fruit of Your knowledge. Thank You for Your promise that whoever listen to You will live in safety and be at ease without fear or harm. I pray in Jesus name.



  1. it was a heartbreaking moment.. buong mundo ang nakisimpatya at tumutulong para makabangon tayo.. This is a wake up call from God. Nakakatakot pero the prophecy has to be fulfilled.

    1. Oo nga yccos. Scaring but there is a lesson to be learned in every tragedy in our lives. And you are right. The prophecy must be fulfilled.

  2. Sobra talagang nakakadurog ng puso ung mga imahe ng makikita mo sa news & social medias regarding the vast devastation in Central Visayas, specially in Leyte and Samar. Nakaka iyak po talaga ung mga panawagan ng mga tao. Ambigat sa dibdib.

    God gives the toughest battle to his strongest soldiers. Kaya siguro ibinigay ng ating Panginoon ang napakatinding pagsubok na ito sa atin dahil alam niyang kayang kaya natin itong lampasan. Gusto nya lng siguro ipa-realize sa atin na sa gitna ng dilim, sa gitna ng kawalan at sa gitna ng kawalang kasiguraduhan ay tanging Siya lamang ang ating tanglaw at kapitan. Dahil Siya lng ang tanging makakapagligtas sa ating lahat.

    Sama sama tayong babangon sa pagsubok na ito. Kapit lng kay Lord, wag bibitiw.

    1. Whatever the reason Fiel-kun, you are right. We have to stand together and cling to God. He is our only hope.

  3. If you could check the interview with Anderson Cooper (CNN reporter).. you will be touched. That amidst the hardships, we can still become a blessing to others.

    1. I think I saw it chels. There is always a lesson for everything dear.

  4. there are really no words that can make anything okay and describe the pain of those that were and still are in the midst of this catastrophe. Kahit anong tulong pa ibigay natin sa kanila, hindi na maibabalik sa kanila yung mga buhay ng mga mahal nila.

    1. Oo Cyron. Really undescribable. But it brings the best of our people.

  5. I heard about the disaster but this is the first I've seen the photos. It's awful that some super-storm hits some nation(s) about every ten years or so. I remember one super-bad storm that affected southeast asia back when I was in high school.

  6. Yes, really heartbreaking event Adam. Hope it will be the last.

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you & yours. Peace.

  8. well i think it was never meant to break us punish us,
    things happens as he plans and I don't really know the reason behind it
    but I know those plans he has were made out of his unconditional love for us

    1. Whatever the reason Mecoy, God allowed it and we just have to seek him more.

  9. I think this link answers most (if not all) of our questions:

    Why does God allow natural disasters, i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis?

    Just keep on praying, we may not know the reasons behind this catastrophe but someday, somehow we will understand this. Pero sobrang nakakalungkot talaga. :(

    1. Yes Limarx. Very sad, but true. Nasa prophecy naman lahat. The best thing to do is repent and cling on to God.

  10. I believe the entire world is shocked and distressed by this. We surely are in the last days and although we know we will all die at sometime, we hope not like this. Very sad.. xxx

    1. Yes Crystal. We all die once sooner or later. Everyone should be prepared. God have mercy on us...

  11. Kakalungkot ang nangyari...
    Marahil isang reminder para sa lahat. - manumbalik sa Diyos
    Gayunpaman, di ko masasabing ang mga nasawi ay walang pananampalataya o ang mga naligtas ay matutuwid...Things happen for a reason.Diyos lang ang nakakaalam...

    1. Yes Ric. Everything happens for a reason that God only knows. ..

  12. I just can't comprehend why did it happen to us Filipinos . But then , who are we to question God in the first place . Maybe it's just an act of nature that is reminding us that we are abusing its nature and environment. God help us !

    1. Yes Edgar. We dont have the right to question God. But we can reason together with him:)

  13. This is one of the worst disasters I've seen in a long time and my prayers go out to everyone affected by it. I felt sick to the stomach to see people screaming and shouting for help on the TV. Many people are doing their best trying to get food, water, shelter and donations to those in need right now. This is a time for communities to put aside any differences and really show true love for one another.

    When there is a disaster like this and many people are killed/injured etc, we also have to understand that Christians and non-Christians are affected in exactly the same way. It rains on the just and the unjust and this happens all the time around the entire world.

    Joy, you said it is your 'homeland'. Are your family/friends OK?

    1. Thanks Rum-Punch Drunk for the concern. Yes, my family is ok there
      They were not in the same place.

  14. Doesn't mean we had this kind of disaster, it means God's punishing us. God's not like that. But we should not take God for granted just because we're in a good and comfortable life.

    1. Yes June. We have to remember God in good times and in hard times. ..

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about this catastrophe. When I watched this picture onTV, I remembered the big earthquke,tunami in Tohoku in Japan. We had more typhoon than usual and I think typhoon is becoming bigger and bigger. Your family or friends are all right?
    Keep your spirits high.Joy.

    1. Yes , Sarah. My family is ok. Thanks. I hope there will be no more storms like that to come.

  16. Lord, in your mercy we take refuge.

  17. It's really hard to find reason why this has happened Mommy Joy..but I guess this is a good time to show that we still have faith and trust in God. We just need to continue praying for our fellowmen who were affected, for the souls of the departed and for the recovery and rebuilding of lives of the survivors..

  18. True Zaizai...thanks for visiting:)

  19. Amen to that, we will never know what is the reason or purpose of this test.. maybe its true its a reminder for us.

  20. It is hard to understand when things like this happen.... we know that the rain falls on the just and the unjust .... and it is my belief that the Lord does not send devastation but He does allow it... But it is hard to see it affect so many ...especially the innocent children....

    The scripture you referred to sounds so harsh... of course it is directed at those who have scoffed at God and His direction and laws...but it is still hard to read. I find it hard to think of God laughing at any calamity that hurts His people... I wonder since it is the Old Testament before Jesus came to earth to find out what it was like to be human... if that is the difference. God did not really perceive why man did some of the things they did... I don't know if I'm making myself clear.... but it is just a thought...Diane

    1. True Diane. We really don't know all the answers. Only God knows and he knows the best...

  21. Oo nga Manong Unyol. Life can be very hard many times...


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