
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Beautiful outside?

I was invited to Letecia's birthday celebration last weekend. She turned 29.  Still very young. 
On the way to her house I had problem driving because of the snow and the wind was so strong. I thought that me and my car will be blown away and my life would end.... 
In addition, earlier that day, I got a message from my sister and she said that she was taken to the hospital because of too much stomach pain. Not to mention our dear aunt who is dying. I thought that maybe it was not the right time to be merry. But, I didn't want to dissappoint Letecia because it was her birthday and I was also looking forward to meet friends that were invited, so I went. Life must go on, no matter what. I did survived:)

The birthday celebrant and the foods that she prepared. Hmmm. Delicious!

It was terrible cold outside, but inside Letecia's home was warm and  cozy.  Some of the guests were already there when I arrived. Beautiful ladies.

So I joined them.... In a group was a friend from USA. Her name is Sarah and it was nice of her to come to join us ladies from the Philippines.

Anyway, as you can see...calories to burn again! Oh, we didn't mind at all:) 

A thought came into my mind as I look at the pictures.

Maria is 31 while I am 51

Going to a party makes us do our best to look nice outwardly. Putting on  make- up on our faces to camouflage our imperfectness. Especially me who  is a way much older than others. 

Mother and daughter. Much more younger

Some of us carefully select the right shoes that match the color of the dress. And I admire them who really knows how to dress right.

On top of that, we put on jewelry to make us look more glamorous. We really want to look amazingly beautiful if it is possible.

As I look at the pictures, I can see that everyone really looks great. God's creation

I believe these two lovely ladies are the youngest among us grown-ups.

Everybody was smiling, but we knew that many of us are hurting inside for different reasons. Sadness especially for our country men who were devastated by the typhoon Haiyan. There are some among the group that  have families where the calamity struck. But still we are very lucky to be given this opportunity to celebrate and for all the blessing. I thank God for that. 

Like I said, we all want to look nicely especially in occasion like this, but I do pray to God that we must not forget to take care of our hearts and  because if we are beautiful  inside, then it will radiate outside.

This morning, I read these from Ephesians 6:10-18. God's written words  and got the inspiration to pray for every one from the living word of God.

Father, I pray that we will aways  put on your whole armour  so that we will be able to stand on our ground when calamity strikes, when sickness attacks us, when problems are overwhelming. That we will stand with the belt of truth, that comes from you, buckled around our waist and with breastplace of righteousness in place. Make our feet fitted for the gospel of peace. I pray that wherever we are, we will take our shield of faith. To extinguish  all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Do not let us forget to put on our helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Your word Oh God. Thank you for reminding us to be alert and pray in Jesus name.



  1. Waaah, ang sarap nung mga cakes hehe :D

    Naku Mommy Joy, you look beautiful as ever inside and out. Kahit may malakas na blizzard sa labas. Fresh looking pa rin po kayo hehe XD

    and Happy Birthday kay ate Letecia!

  2. Thanks Fiel-Kun:) kung dito ka lang, nakakain ka rin:)

  3. ok lang ang calories mommy Joy parang di ka naman tumataba unlike me ehehehe.

  4. I loved your dress with peacock - print, what a beautiful birthday party :)

  5. I had to drive in snow (which came at a surprise) yesterday, only had a bit of limited vision so it was a good thing I knew the roads well enough. It is scary though.

    1. Really scary adam especially when it is really snowing:(

  6. So great people I think you cost yourselves with good food.
    Great pictures Joy.

    Hugs from Marit.

  7. What a nice party! Happiness to all!

  8. Wow! The cakes look delicious! Seems like a great party and that you had a great time!

  9. Yes, we had a good time Missy:)

  10. There will be always those times of joy that we do need to celebrate....though sometimes our hearts are heavy with other things ...It looks like a beautiful celebration ...and your prayer was a good reminder... Diane

  11. nakakagutom naman ung mga handa! yum yum yum!
    happy birthday sa kanya
    by the way what a lovely prayer!

  12. Thanks Mecoy:)
    Have a nice weekend!

  13. Sorry to hear about your dear aunt and your sister. How is he doing now? You did the right thing, Joy by going there since it was already planned and life must go on after all those consequences in life. I know its hard to drive in snow just extra careful especially in Evening. Glad to hear and read all of you had a great time in birthday party. You look so young at your age am impress how you taking care yourself.

  14. My aunt died this morning Mhie. My sister is better now.
    Thanks for the compliment:)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.