
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Why don't you come home?

Even animals come home.

Last year, our beloved cat didn’t come home for fourteen days. I was very worried for her. I thought that something bad had happened to her. Maybe she got hit by the car or beaten by other bigger animals. My heart ached for our cat and I taught that she was already dead. But one afternoon, she came home dirty and hungry. And she was very thin.  Oh, joy filled my heart, because our cat was lost, but found her way back home. An instinct that tells her that being with us is  better than being on herself.

I just wonder, if God feels the same way when we are lost and can’t find our way home? I mean that his heart grieved for us? When we  had chosen to be on our own, and denied God’s existence in our lives? Like our cat did? Our cat tried to be on her own for many days. Luckily, she learned her lesson. She came back and we were so delighted that she entrusted her life unto us again.

I believe that God feels the same way. He is happy if we put our trust in him. To travel along with him in this dangerous world. To let his words be our guide and put our burdens unto him.

 Jeremiah 8: 7 Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the Lord.

Jeremiah reminded us that even the birds live according to the times and places and ways that the Lord has built for them. Only man seems determine to run to his own destruction.

We’ve been designed by a loving Creator who has given us every reason to want to come home . In his presence there is protection from being broken, love to endure and joy in the midst of trouble. There is hope, but outside is despair.

So if we are lost or trying to do it on our own, remember we can always come back home to God. He will received us with open arms and will provide a safe haven for us.

Anon said:
Oh keep my soul then, Jesus,
Abiding still with Thee;
And if I wander, teach me
Soon back to Thee to flee.

“Thought for the day”
It’s never too soon to come home to God.



  1. With God's heavenly light, hinding hindi tayo mawawala sa tuwing maglalakad tayo sa gitna ng dilim :))

    Ang cute naman po ng pusa nyo Mommy Joy. Glad she came back home. Praise be to God!

    1. Oo nga Fiel- kun. Happy too that she is back:)

  2. Buti naman she found her way home! :)

  3. What a beautiful soft little kitty cat. I want to rub her tummy:) Great nature shots too.

  4. Lovely post , very thoughtful and meaningful :)

  5. Oh so cute cat, it enjoys the autumn sun.
    Great pictures Joy, have a nice day.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, I accidentaly removed your comment. Thanks for the comment.

  7. I loved this post! And such a beautiful cat. So glad she found her way home. It made me think of all the prodigals out there in the world who need to find their way home. But God has eye on them. :)

    1. Thanks Kristin.Yes, and God's heart longs for them to come home.

  8. I love this post. Well done; beautiful.

    1. Thanks McGuffy Ann for reading and liking:)

  9. Amen... really never too soon... God bless us!

  10. Beautiful words and photos, Joy... Glad you kitty came home. Bet that cat was GLAD to be home!!!


  11. Another inspiring story,Joy. Good to hear that the cat is alive and she's back on you. God bless you and keep sharing your beautiful thoughts for us.

  12. glad that Kitty find her way home, am sure she was really really glad. I remember I had a kitty too when I was still a small kid, i so love him he sleeps with me and eat with me, but one day he didn't came home i've search him all over town and cried for three days....

  13. I'm glad your little cat made it home safe... and your analogy of people also coming home to the Lord was beautiful... Diane

  14. Your post is very touching. So glad your cat came back and is now safe.

  15. Beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  16. So pleased your cat returned! A wonderful life parable. Your sunset photo is delightful.

  17. I love that the cat came back and I love your analogy....hugs and wishes for a beautiful Sonday...

  18. Yes, we also much hurt the Lord when we get lost and drift away. But, we as Christians also know he waits patiently for our return. That is such a comfort. Love to you sweet girl.

  19. What ever the reason your cat was lost - I am happy for you that she was able to return home. God rejoices when we find our way home too! A Lovely Post

  20. I am happy you get back your cat safe :)


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