
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What is your handicap?

A younger sister of mine is a nurse and some months ago she had taken care of a woman who has been born with a defect. What I mean with that is that she has no feet and she only have one finger. But she can walk alright with her half legs and do a lot with her half arms and one finger.
 What is so remarkable with this woman is that she managed to come on top despite being a handicap. She now works as a social worker, driving her own car, managing her own business and already published a book, which she has written.  
Actually, she was placed by her parents in an orphanage. But she was adopted and taken cared of her adopted parents.  Her faith in God had helped her in her struggles.  She was also reunited with her parents and having now a good relationship with them.

Most of us would consider living with such physical problems to be among life greatest struggles. But not this woman. She is admirable and an inspiration to many.
Although we are blessed with a healthy body, a sound mind and stable emotion, still we sometimes complain that we cannot do this and do that because of our imperfectness. We used our lack of something as a reason not to do what God intended us to do. But don’t forget that we have a perfect God and we can always turn to Him for help. As his creation, he has blessed us with something that we can use and develop to do remarkable things. Like the handicap woman who actually have all the reason not to do anything, but used what  God has given her to achieve her goals. And with God’s help, she survived against all odds. An inspiration for many not to give up when the going gets tough.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 
Romans 8:28

 Someone said: “ Only those who admit their weakness can be strong in the Lord.” 

Jesus said: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

So friends, with faith in God, we can do the impossible!



  1. my physical handicap is that one of my eyes is Lazy. Meaning it's healthy and there is some vision but it's legally blind.

  2. Oh. I didn't know that before Adam. Can it be treated?

  3. Replies
    1. Vær så god Refleksjon på livsvegen:) my plaesure!

  4. I agree, with God's grace, we can be triumphant in every challenge we take on!

  5. She is indeed a very well remarkable woman! worthy of emulation and gifted with an extraordinary strength and talent. If every handicap has stronghold with her then i think no one will feel lowly with their incapabilities.

    I have my left eye legally blind. but still i read a lot despite it.

    1. Yes, I also have a handicap which I was ashamed for many years, but it didnt stop me for acquiring my goals. God made all things possible.
      I admire you fallenrhainnes.

  6. Nakaka bilib po talaga ng sobra ang ganyang mga tao na may positibong pananaw sa buhay at matinding paniniwala sa ating Panginoon. Another very good example po jan Mommy Joy si Nick Vujicic, an evangelist and motivational speaker na ipinanganak ng wala ang kanyang apat na limbs. Sobra po silang nakaka inspire.

    1. Yes, I know about Nick. Seen videos about him. Really inspirational Fiel-Kun.
      So I hope we can inspire others too:)

  7. Yes ,with having full faith in God we can face any problem . Very nice post Joy :)

  8. This is very inspiring story! We should be thankful of what we have and always have faith in GOD, nothing is impossible.:)

  9. Yes, Melgie. Faith moves mountains:)

  10. Hello ^^ musta na po?

    Nakaka inspire naman.... sana magkaroon din ako ng matinding faith sa Kanya.... at maging positive lagi.....

  11. Hi Jon! Nice to see you here again:)
    I am fine. How about you?
    Yes, my desire too to be always positive and have faith that moves mountains.

  12. I use the wheelchair full time after my acquired disability due to a vehicular accident. But I consider it a blessing-in-disguise because He has made me a stronger person in the process.

    1. But you are using wheelchair now Farida?
      It just tell that no matter what happens to us, there is always a lesson to learn...

  13. I'm always amazed at the resilience of people. I think God built that into all of us. Hugs Joy and wishes for a great day.

  14. I was born with a congenital birth defect, and I wear a prosthesis on my left leg to help me walk. This was such an encouraging post for me! Thank you for sharing. :)

  15. Thank God that it encouraged you. God bless your heart.


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