
Thursday, October 3, 2013

The best of October month!

Times flies so fast and before I know it, October month is already here. What is so important with this month actually? Well for me, this month brings mixed feelings. For me it is both joy and sorrow.
Joy because three important men in my life was born this month. Sorrow because one of them is no longer with us anymore. Anyway, I just want to dedicate this post to them. Just want to let them know who they are to me.

Let me begin with the youngest Ethan who has birthday  on the fourth of October. He said that he wanted to be a chef when he grows up.

He is the son of my second daughter Michelle and her husband Ariel. His mother has psoriasis, but she is not ashamed of it, but works for the cause to help those that are suffering like her because of this skin disease.

Anyway, when Ethan was born, I was not really sure how I can be close to this sweet boy when he lives thousand miles away from me and we can only see each other once in a while. But Ethan really touches my heart. In the beginning, he had problem to say the word " lola" to me. It means grandma in English. He then begun to call me wowa for lola. Sweetest word I ever heard from him. And now, I just want to hear him calling me wowa. And although we seldom see each other he is very close to me. Everytime I'm on vacation in the Philippines, he just wanted to be on my side. He really is very dear to me and I know he feels that I really care for him when we are together.

  Anyway here is  Ethan together with his cousins, which he loves to be together with. These are all my grandchildren for now. Love them all!

So Ethan, I just want to greet you happy, happy birthday. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I love you and I wish and pray that you will grow up wise and strong and be protected by God in every area of your life. I love you very much.

Then, the next birthday celebrant is my prince. The love of my life who turned 50 on the second day of this month.


                                                       To you dear:
You came into my life like the heat of the sun
You warmed my body and soul
You brighten my days
You made me alive again
You made me flourished 
You put a smile on my face, made me feel young again
You made my heart beat faster and stomach to tingle
Your love reaches to the inner core of my heart
You touches my soul with your thoughtfulness
You make me feel beautiful, safe, loved, and valued
Thanks for everything you had done for me.
I love you very much and wishing you many more birthdays to come together with me.

And to my father who was born this month too, but no longer with us. I just want to say that I really miss you and I wish that you are still here with us so that you can hear our  greetings  on your birthday.  I wish that you had been here during our life's ups and downs.  How I wish too that me and grandchildren can give you a hug especially on your birthday. But anyway, we are sending our kisses to you there in heaven.

And last but not the least, happy 2nd year blog anniversary to me. Yes, I did survive and posted 372 blogpost. Thank you for all who followed me and read my posts. Hope to continue blogging to be inspired and be an inspiration to others too. To learn more and to get to know many wonderful people in blogworld.



  1. Happy 2nd year blog anniversary po! Two year blogging is an achievement!
    And happy birthday to all your loved ones! Beautiful poem!!

  2. Thanks Wowa! Belated happy birthday to Roar and Happy blogversary!

  3. What a cute little chef!

    AmeriAus Blog

  4. being a master chef would be cool

  5. Dear Joy, so emotional, touching and beautiful post . Congratulations for completing two years of blogging. Best of luck :)

  6. Mommy Joy, ang cute nyong pagmasdan with your grand children. Specially the one with Ethan :))

    and Happy 2nd Anniversary po sa blog nyo!


  7. happy anniv on ur blog and belated happy bday to roar

  8. A celebration indeed! You are so blessed to be surrounded by people who loves you dearly and your love for your dad is something to emulate. Continue to be an inspiration to many with your life stories, joyful experiences and words of wisdom as you continue to be a part of the blogging world. Happy 2nd and all the best for the third.

    1. Thank you so much Jonathan for your heartwarming comment. I wish the same to you because you are an inspiration.
      Have a nice weekend:)

  9. Wow, Joy... You have LOTS to celebrate this month. Happy Birthday to Ethan.. What a Cutie!!!!! AND Happy Birthday to your Prince... He makes you so happy! Congrats on your blog anniversary also...

    Hope you are having a good day.

    1. Thank you so much Betsy.
      Have a nice weekend to you and hug from me too:)

  10. Looks like you have a lot of reasons to be happy and grateful for this month of October. Happy for you :)

  11. sana nga maging chef si ethan :D

  12. October is really special for you. Ethan looks like an accomplished chef (in the first picture) His body language and that smile says that he is going to make it :-)

  13. Happy birthday to the men of your life... Happy blogversary din!

  14. Happy birthday to your dear men! And congratulation on your blog of 2nd year anniversary !
    I always enjoy your blog. Have a nice Autumn!

    1. Thanks you so much Sarah. I enjoy your blog too:)

  15. congrats for the 2years of your blog Joy, you gave me an idea on how to celebrate the 1st anniversary of my blog...

    anyway, it suits Ethan the sure he will become a best chef in his time.

    1. Thanks Fallenrhainnes:)
      About Ethan, yes, he looks like one too:)

  16. happy anniv on ur blog and belated happy bday to roar...God bless and more love for both of you!

  17. So many moments to celebrate! October is my birth month so special din sa kin ang buwan na ito. Happy second anniv sa blog mo ms joy! More power!

    1. Happy birthday to you too Mar:) thanks for visiting and the greetings:)

  18. It's nice to recognize special people in our lives sometimes... Congratulations on your 2nd year... mine is coming up to.. I guess we started around the same time... Diane

    1. Yes, it is Diane. It is our way of showing that we care:)
      Happy second anniversary to you too:)

  19. Beautiful post Joy. My husband also has his birthday in October ( last week), my father as well who passed away three years ago. One of our daughters turned 12 last week, one day after my husband's birthday. Remembering three birthdays over three generations.

    1. Wow! I guess October month is special for you too Karen:)
      Happy birthday to them:)

  20. Oh Joy...this was such a beautiful post. I love your shining your 'guys.' October for me is special too. Both my kids were born in Oct and even the pup and cat came to us in October. I love October....a time of new beginnings and awesome celebrations.

    1. So nice to hear it Nikki:) celebration month forbus:)

  21. Happy birthday sa lahat ng Mahal mo na magcecelebrate ngayong Oktubre mommy Joy!

    Naman, so special ng buwang ito pala, bukod sa birthdays ay blog anniversary din pala!

    Happy anniversary po! Parang di lang 2 years blogging, sa dami ng posts nyo po hehe, the most active blogger hehe. Keep on inspiring us always.. Gratulerer med dagen! klem

  22. Salamat gracie:) inspired lang mag blog:)


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