
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Being sensitive!

My friend Julz called me one day and invited me to go out for a dinner together with two other friends Mercy and Letecia.

 At first, I was reluctant to go because I don’t want to leave my husband  alone one Sunday evening. But my husband was so nice. He said that it was not a problem, because I won’t be gone for the whole night. So he let me enjoyed the evening with my girlfriends. How can I not be thankful for having such a kind husband? 

Being with friends was precious. We did savored the moment being together. Talked, shared secrets and burdens with one another. Laughed of funny stories. Took pictures of ourselves that the people around us thought that we were crazy.  But the most important was eating a delicious dinner with people you like as you can see in the pictures.

                                                       Mercy and me

                                                     Julz and Letecia

                                                          Our dinner

          This morning  in my devotion, this word came into my mind: Sensitive

Am I a sensitive woman? How was I together with my friends? Have I been sensitive to their needs? To their ups and downs? Families?
I believe I am that kind of person. Very sensitive to what others say to me. To the point that I get hurt of words that were  spoken to me that were not meant to hurt me. I am also tender for words that should be spoken to me but left unsaid. Sensitive to my loved ones or friends. It is like that I feel their fears, their heartaches, their joys and sorrows. God is always reminding me that their lives are not in my hands. I must not be over sensitive for everything or  everyone or else I will have a heart that is full of heartaches.

Yes, I am a sensitive person, but the problem is I am talkative too. I talk so much that sometimes I forget to let others  do the talking. Instead, I talked for them. Not that I don’t respect them or interested in them. I just do that to entertain them. Maybe because I am a jolly fellow. However, it made me ponder that although I am sensitive to what others say to me, I am not sensitive enough to let others do the talking sometimes. Not too sensitive enough to listen to what others have to say. God is always reminding me that life in not only about my story, but everybody’s story. Everyone has their own important experience to tell. They too need to be heard, can entertain and be an inspiration. That is what I love with God. His whispering voice that guides me/us in our everyday life.

But what God says about being sensitive or talkative?

Ephesians 4: 29-32

29. Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  

What do you mean God with unwholesome talk? Words without meaning? It seems that God is reminding me/us that if we say something, it should be words of encouragement or words to build others up. Words of wisdom that those who listen to us will acquire knowledge.

Well, I am sure that if I will always remember those words from God, I will be cured for being talkative. Not that being talkative is a negative behavior. God made me this way. It just means that I will be more careful for what I say. Be sensitive to those who listen to me.

30. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Well, it is the last thing we want to do. Isn’t it?  Grieve the Holy Spirit. Really?  This words reminds us to be not just be sensitive to other people, but most especially  towards the Holy Spirit, which is God.  We have just to admit  that we are all guilty of grieving the Holy Spirit many times.

How can I say that?

God said:

31. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

How many times we have been bitter for what others had done to us or did not do?  And when we are angry, we brawl and scowl and so on. We must admit that most of the time we regret what we had said in those moments.  Not only that, we seems to forget that we should not slander when we are with friends. We talked about him or her without having second thoughts. We laughed about someone’s wrong grammar or wrong behavior in our eyes. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Forgetting that we have our own flaws. It is just that talking about other people flaws temps us. 

Like these strawberries.

  From my sister's strawberry farm.
                                              We want to taste its sweetness.

Like this flowers.

 We want to smell its fragrance.

How tempting it might be, we can really survive without eating strawberries and without smelling the fragrance of the flowers. But somehow we thought that we couldn’t. It is like talking about other people. We thought that we couldn’t survive without doing it. I am not saying that we should stop talking about other people, but it should be words that inspires, that cares and something to learn about. Be sensitive with our words! That is how God meant it to be.

32. Be compassionate to one another , forgiving each other, just as Christ forgive you.

This is the most important. Being compassionate means forgiving. To forgive is to love.

My friends and I talked about forgiveness. Some of us have problems forgiving at once, while others have no problem with that. But we all agree that it is best to forgive. That forgiving builds relationship. Be sensitive to what others feel too not only what we feels. Well, I am lucky to have friends like these ladies.  It was a memorable evening and we agreed to meet again.

This flower bouquet is like us.  We are all different from each other, but together in harmony, we are beautiful. Don't you agree?




  1. there's nothing wrong with being sensitive and I think we all are in a way...

    it's just a matter of knowing the right time to let other people feel that we are... it's better than being cold or densed...

  2. Beautiful post today, Joy. Sounds like you had a nice visit with friends. I think it's more fun to enjoy a meal with a FEW people rather than a large group...

    Yes, we need to be SENSITIVE. Words can hurt --whether the words come from our mouths or someone else's. There's a little children's sermon I did once for some kids --and I showed them a tube of toothpaste. I then squeezed out some... Then I asked the children to put the toothpaste back into that tube. Of course, it cannot be done. I then told them that ugly words that come out of our mouths are like toothpaste. When we say them, they cannot be taken back (or put back in the tube)..... I think this is a good lesson for kids.


    1. Yes, it is Betsy. Very nice example. A lesson
      Thanks for sharing:)

  3. you my friend, are a beautiful precious blessing.

  4. talkative di ako sa close friends ko madalas lol.

    But I do try my best to be sensitive especially to people's vulnerability...

  5. well i hear you ate joy i'm as well very sensitive mejo
    madali ako maoffend pero it doesnt show naman
    pero through the help of it i learned to consider other's fellings
    as well

    1. Yes Mecoy. Have to learn to use sensitivity in the right way. Thanks God for help.

  6. i'm sensitive too, pero lets take it positively nalang po :)))))))))

  7. Joy I believe you are a very sweet girl and would never be mean...your scripture is a refection of your goodness. Your hubby sounds a good man and how great to have a time out eating with good friend.

    1. Thanks Crystal Mary. husband is God'gift to me. I am thankful.

  8. Ang bait naman ni hubby kasi binibigyan ka pa rin nya ng time with your friends mommy Joy..

  9. This is such a good reminder about watching what we say... because we can either spread harmony or discord with the words we speak... Diane

  10. This is a very wonderful post. Yes, you are sensitive. I cannot agree with you more.

  11. Great post, fantastic photos:) Greetings

  12. Amen to the beautiful verses you included on this post Mommy Joy :))

    I must admit na talkative din ako pag kilala ko na at super close ako sa isang tao. Inaamin ko rin na minsan eh walang preno tong bibig ko sa pagsasalita, pero I see to it na maging sensitive pa rin sa kapwa at humingi ng sorry ko nakasakit man ang mga binitiwan kong salita.

    32. Be compassionate to one another , forgiving each other, just as Christ forgive you.
    ---> relate much ako dito, gaya nung latest blog post ko :))

    31. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
    ---> loved this one too! masarap at magaan sa pakiramdam pag walang poot sa puso mo :)

    1. Thanks for your nice comment fiel-kun.
      Yes, it is good to have a hate free heart:)

  13. Hello Ate Joy,

    This entry is very complete. Aside from the lovely verses you've included, You are truly blessed to have a husband who is kind and wonderful friends to spend some precious hours of yours :) Enjoy the rest of the week!

    1. Thanks Farida. Yes, I am thankful for all the blessing God gives me.
      Enjoy your week too:)

  14. Mas matalas ang dila kesa sa two edged sword ika nga... At pag nakasakit ang pananalita, tagos hanggang buto.

    Ang gandang reminder nito... Eph 4:29 Maging sensitibo sa ating pananalita... think more, talk less, less talk, less mistake!

  15. Oo nga Mar. Thanks for the visit and the comment:)

  16. thank you for this mamijoy :) God bless you more so you can share His words more!

  17. Welcome yccos. Same to you dear:)

  18. Takk for et vakkert og reflektert innlegg fra deg!
    Det er så hyggelig å treffe gode venner!
    Det må ha vært en fantastisk kveld, med gode samtaler rundt bordet. Dere er like vakre som blomstene!

  19. totally agree sa lahat ng sinabi mo Maam Joy, if we are together as one it could
    make a difference.
    love the strawberries ang sarap siguro magkaroon ng farm niyan, lucky sister of urs po:)

  20. I always try to be sensitive to how others feel because I know how it would feel kung sa akin naman insensitive ang mga tao. I don't want it done to me so I make sure I don't do it unto others

    Ang sarap ng dinner nyo at ang saya ng noght out with your lovely friends Ms Joy! :)

  21. musta tita.... na miss ko tumambay dito... sana okay lang po kayo diyan...

    tulad pa rin dati.... okay pa rin ang mga post nyo...

    ganda pa rin ng mga photos at nakaka inspire ang ilang quotes...

    Thanks sa pag share.... hugs ^_^

  22. Awesome post.
    A very positive one, indeed ! Good !

  23. Hi Joy, many thanks for your very positive comment on my blog about Conolly's plot !

    Please visit again and add sweet comments like this so that I as well as my readers will feel uplifted, encouraged and stay motivated. Thanks again !

    1. Welcome Rajiv. Thanks for your positive connents too:)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.