
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Morning walk!

In my garden....

Looking at my cherry tree that blooms

and my plum tree...

Me and my hubby took our bikes

Well, time to spread my wings in another places:)

                                                     and went to this place:

We left our bikes to hike on the mountain trail.

                     Come along and let us look around! Flowers here too:)

                         A snail is out to breathe some fresh air like us or.....

                   But this couple does not care what is happening around them:)

Lots of them....

                                         Love is in the air?

                                                        Alone again?

More to see along the way

Now, we are on the top

Nice views although it was overcast....

And this is the place I call home. Can you see my home? It is one of the houses down there:)

                                 Thought for the day


Laws alone cannot secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population. - Albert Einstein



  1. konti pa rin nakatira diyan.

  2. nice view from the top! :)

    buti ka pa ate Joy marunong mag-bike, inggit ako di kase 'ko marunong! ;(

  3. Madali lang Tal:) kung andito ka lang, tinuruan kita:)

  4. Thank you for sharing so many lovely photos, I like all the flowers and macro shots. But that photo with two bicycles really catches my eyes! :)

    1. Welcome Sophie A. and thanks for the visit and nice comment:)

  5. Thanks for the morning walk! I love the different flowers!

    1. Welcome Karen. It was really refreshing:)

  6. I miss doing morning walks!

    And thank you for sharing the picture of cherry tree that blooms..amazing!

    1. Welcome Sunny Toast. Thanks for visiting:)

  7. Salamat naman at nag enjoy ka Manong Unyol:)
    Really nice to be here:)

  8. Just loved to watch your beautiful photos Joy. Some of those plants look so exotic and very different to what I'm use to seeing. And what beautiful views of the surrounding area too.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.