
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Ecclesiates 1:2

Words from King Solomon who got wisdom, honor, good looks and riches from God. What does it says to me? How can he says such a thing after having all man can dreamed of ? Was it because he looked for life's meaning into the world than with God?

I say I find joy of having fulfilled my duties.

Ecclesiates 1:4

I say:  "Each and everyone that has been born has  his/her own unique story to tell. A  story to be remembered, to be an example and to inspire the  next generation. A new experience for each and everyone".

Ecclesiates 1:5

I say every sunrise and every sunset has different colors and amazes all.

Ecclesiates 1: 6

I say : How would you like to be  like the wind who can travel round and round and see and experience everything unseen? 

I say:" Water can be used in different forms. It nourishes the earth. Just like the living word of God. It is life for those who use it.

Ecclesiates 1: 8

I say: " It is exciting to learn and see and hear new things. It renews one's life. 

Life is really meaningless without God. It is like exercising on a treadmill. It brings you nowhere.  But if we have God in our lives, although we sometimes experience routine, monotony, and difficulty,  instead of being on a treadmill, we are on a journey. Journey to heaven. 

How about joining  that journey to heaven? All we need to do is accept Jesus as our Saviour. He will transform our  lives from a monotonous treadmill into meaningful journey. 

"Thought to ponder"

Life without Christ is a hopeless end;
life with Christ is an endless hope.

And King Solomon discovered at the end the meaning of life:
Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is all the duty of man.
Ecclesiates 12: 13


  1. It is best to read/hear these words... so refreshing and enlightening...

    Thanks po for sharing...

  2. Hi Joy, Beautiful words and photos... AND you are so right: Life is meaningless without GOD in it....


  3. Amen! Life without Jesus is meaningless!

  4. Thanks for po sharing mommy joy! :) First time to call you mom. ;)

    God bless!

    "Life without Christ is a hopeless end;
    life with Christ is an endless hope."
    I like it.

  5. These are some wonderful thoughts! Knowing God is everything! I often wonder how it must be to have no hope of eternity. I'm so thankful that I do. :)

  6. Thanks for the wonderful message ate joy :)

  7. Thanks for sharing this wonderful quotes of the day Mami Joy :)

    Life without Christ is a hopeless end;
    life with Christ is an endless hope.

    --> loved this. we should always put God in the center of our lives no matter what.

    Have a nice day po!

  8. Thanks to all for liking the message:)

    Have a nice week to all:)

  9. Beautiful images / beautiful text. Wishing you a great Wednesday :)

    1. Thanks hanne bente.
      Have a great wednesday too:)

  10. cool images and the caption mommy!

  11. Beautiful photos and words. Thank you for sharing Joy!

  12. WOW, Lovely
    Plz visit my blog this time, I need a little help :p


  13. another inspiring entry mommy joy. Yes indeed life is meaningless without God :)

    1. Thanks Rix. Yes, life with God is meaningful:)

  14. Wow so nice words and pictures, lovely.
    Good Wednesday to you from Marit.

    1. Tusen takk marit. Ha en fin onsdag også:)

  15. a living life with out God cannot be considered living
    life is gift from god and we must live it through his wisdom and guidance
    and it must we dedicated to glorify his name

    god bless you ate joy

  16. Amen to that Mecoy. Bless your heart dear:)

  17. Thanks for sharing this one to us! Ganda din ng mga photos!

    Smile always!

    1. Welcome Jon and thank you.
      Bless you dear:)

  18. Life is really meaningless without God... For "It is only in God that we discover our ORIGIN, our IDENTITY, our MEANING, our PURPOSE, our SIGNIFICANCE, and our DESTINY."

    God Bless!

  19. Thanks mar unplog for your comment and the wisdom in it. Appreaciate it very much:)

  20. life on earth is like a cycle.. if you are clueless and totally dumb about your purpose then what you have and what you are doing is meaningless..
    I find my purpose in serving and pleasing our Father in heaven.. :)
    Thanks for the sharing ate

  21. Lovely photos and passages, Joy. :-)



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