
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Busy as a bee!

One day, I was walking around my little garden to see if there is something new to see. And I found  something that caught my eyes.

As you can see in the picture a bee is sucking nectar from a flower in my little garden. The bees needs nectar to survive. They are busy during summer time flying around and visiting different kinds of flowers to get their supply for food.

Very much like us humans isn't it?  Busy, busy like a bee.  But we can be busy without doing positive things both for ourselves or others or we can be so busy working for a living that we forget to live. What would we choose?

Matthew 4: 4 Jesus answered: " It is written:  Man does not live on bread alone, but from every words that comes in the mouth of God. 

When I pondered about  what Jesus said, something puffed up in my mind.  Jesus speaks the truth. Food is important, and so is words that we speak or listen to.
Just think of a situation where two persons eat together without talking. Kinda boring isn't it? How about a speechless world? I don't think no one can survive without words although this world has all the natural resources to survive. This world cannot survive without people interacting with each other. 

Jesus said that we does not live by bread alone, but from every words that comes in the mouth of God. He said that because God is  the source of life. When He speaks, something good happen. So if we want to be a person that when we speak, something good happens, then we have to listen to the source. 
God said in Proverbs 18:21 " The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit".
It is like that God is saying: Be careful with our words!

                Have  a busy bee day friends:)


  1. Amen, very well said Ate Joy ! It would be nice if someone u know can be an nspiration instead of become your destructions . (Sigh) If you have nothing good to say, dont say anything at all. Learn to respect and they will respect you back.

  2. Very nice shot! Love watching them busy in my garden too!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Hope you are having a fabulous week****

  3. Great words to live by! Thank you.

  4. yes! thanks for the perspective and reminder!!

  5. Super ganda ate... you are an inspiration. maraming salamat kay Lord sa buhay mo :)

  6. Beautiful photograph, it is nicely in the morning to see such a view. I am greeting

  7. thanks for the share busy joy ;)

  8. Those are beautiful flowers Sis Joy :-) Dropping by from Color Connection :-)

  9. Your posts always inspires me! Very well said!

  10. Nice capture!

    * Pareng Jay was here

  11. What a great post and I like the analogy. Thanks for this Joy...

  12. Great post, Joy... Words can really hurt.. We all need to be careful what we say to others and how we say it...


  13. Nice words.. keep inspiring us :) God bless

  14. Thank you for the very nice reflection. I so need this reminder :)

    Spanish Pinay


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