
Thursday, August 30, 2012

From fair to fair!

Once a year we are having a "Fair" where I live, but this time we preferred to visit another town who has having a "Fair" too the same day. It is a more than one hour drive from our place. But driving together with my hubby is moment to cherish.

And now here we come! The sign says in English "Welcome to Rissa".

Green grass. My entry to ABC Wednesday

   This is me with the wheat field at the background! Soon it will be  harvest time.

But we are going to the Fair. So come along.

You might think that we are going to a barn seeing these horses.

But as you can see, they rent these horses for kids that want a horseride.

Anyway, the dogs are out too to visit the fair.

Well, they are lucky that they are alive and free. Unlike this swine. It's life ends there to be a food for the hungry visitors. One of the menu for the day.

And an expert from the Philippines, Winston grilled people's lunch that day. Well, that is life. One's man death is another one's bread.

Well, how about that! Meeting fellow countrymen. Really, the Filippinos are eveywhere. Feels like home.

And they are selling lumpia, pancit and siomai.

Anyway, there are more to see. Here are old cars and tractors. Just for display.

Different activities like a ride in a helicopter, rolling in  big plastic ballons and tournament.

My entry to Skywatch Friday!
And of course different stands selling their products. like this one. They sells thick and warm clothes and shoes.

I want this one, but it is not for sale:)

More products to sell!

Lots of them...

And flowers everywhere....

But I didn't buy anything than pancit and lumpia. And for dessert my husband bought ice cream in cones for us. Isn't he sweet?

But this one touched my heart. A girl from Russia who had her pet with her. A turtle.

This cutie made our day at the fair complete.

Did you have  a nice time with us?



  1. Delicious photos, a lovely place, beautiful. Greetings.

  2. Oh gush the lechon looks yummy!! Fair is a lot thanks for sharing the photos Joy!


    1. Welcome kim. Di ko nga natikman lechon. Di pa kasi luto and umuwi na kami:)

  3. fun day at the fair! ang saya at may kapwa Filipino selling pinoy food :)

    too bad hindi for sale yung yellow outfit ang cute pa naman, pang concert! :)

  4. Joy, dear!

    You did it. I am so glad. When I get time I will make you a button of your journal too.

    I will come back to peer closely the photos later. I love looking at your pictures. Makes me imagine I was right there with you. And may I snag some photos again. I will soon make some inspirational pictures for my group at Harmony(A social network) and I will make themes for them also when I get time.

    Blessing my Joy!

  5. Ok sis Lolita. You can grab any poctures you want and thank you for that:)

  6. What a special day, thanks for sharing.

  7. Thank you for this pleasant walk with you! But where is Rissa? There are a lot of Norwegian words in your photos, like : velkommen and kjirka. Are you in Scandinavia?
    Have a great weekend.

  8. I saw just now that you live in Norway and are married to a Norwegian. I still don' t know where in Norway you live. Kjerka is ny norsk, isn't it? I learnt bokmål, but I speak norwegian " som et barn"( lol). Ha det bra.

    1. I lived in the middle of Norway. Outside Trondheim city:) Thanks for dropping by.

  9. The fair looks very fun. There are many event for generations. Thank you for take me such amusing place.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks sarah. You are always welcome:)Have a nice weekend too:)

  10. fair was fun..saya naman maki-fair jan hehe.. ang cute ng turtle :)

    1. Thanks pink line. Kung puede lang hingin eh:)

  11. Beautiful series of photos, especially of you and the wheat field.

  12. Fun time. That grass is high!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  13. Thanks roger for the visit:)

  14. Takk for besøk! Jeg laerte norsk når jeg var ung.Min mann laerte også norsk og vi besøkte norske sjømannskirken i Rotterdam. Vi reiste til Norge nesten hver ferie. Vi elsker Norge og vi hadde mange venner i Norge.Når barna var lite vi reiste til Norge og England. Men nå bor en datter i Australia og reiser jeg til henne.
    Det er veldig morsamt å møte deg her i Blogland. Mannen min var død i 1999.En datter bor her i Krimpen og min sønn ikke langt fra her.Jeg har fem barnebarn.
    Neste år skal jeg vaere 80 år! Ha det bra, Joy!

  15. wow. Du blir 80 år og er fremdeles on the go. Jeg beundrer deg. Du er veldig flink med å skrive på norsk også. Fint å høre at dere har brukt Norge som feriested før. Her er det virkelig vakkert. Jeg elsker Norge og trives veldig godt her.Vi snakkes igjen:)

  16. Joy.. you have a lovely name and the pictures are wonderful. Loved those dogs and that yellow dress seems like so much fun. Too bad it wasn't for sale.

    1. Thanks for dropping by obssesive mom. Anyway, i had fun without getting that dress. Alll i want was the one that wears the dress. Hi hi

  17. Thank you for taking us to this fair. It was a wonderful experience. It must have been quite large since helicopter rides were available. Roast pig is a popular feature at fairs over here as well.

    Thank you for visiting my site -- Betsy really likes your blog.

  18. Looks like you had a fun time at the fair! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  19. awww mukhang masaya... gusto ko yung belly dancing costume?

    1. Actually yong msy suot ny attire ang gusto ko bilhin. Hi hi.

  20. Hi Joy, Looks like a fabulous fair.... It's nice to visit other fairs some years... We have many of them around here in the Fall --and all are a little different, one from another. There is always lots of good food at these fairs also, isn't there??????

    Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes betsy, there were lits of food. Thanks for visiting and have a nice weekend too:)

  21. Surely it's a fun fair! Lumpia and Pancit are just the perfect combo!

    Home away from Home.. Happy Weekend!

  22. Thanks islamd rambles blog. Yes, the girl is so sweet:)

  23. Lovely girl! She really loves her turtle :) Happy to know that filipino are trying to inject or introduce our loved foods to the western culture

  24. Your wheat field looks like my rice field. I even posted your Filipino song. Oh my back.

  25. Wonderful sequence of shots. I love the big turtle being held by the child.

  26. So many lovely things to see at the fair. I love that lechon, too!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.