
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A visit to the graveyard!

If you had been reading my blog before then you know that I work in  a nursing home. And this dear old lady is one of whom  I am caring for. She wanted to visit her parents and a brother who were buried in  the graveyard nearby. 

So one cloudy day, I pushed her wheelchair with her of course to the graveyard so she can pay them a visit. We took with us a flower  from the nursing home's garden. As you can see, she is holding the flower. She said that she is going to put the flower on her parent's tombs.
So here she is at the entrance.

We passed by the entrance of the church too, but we didn't go in. All she wanted  to do was to find the place where her parents was buried. I didn't know either. So off we go and searched.

As we walk along, there were so much to see. Beautiful flowers along the path.

And I like this angel and the roses!

More flowers to see!

Different colors.

In summertime, the relatives of those that were buried  here plants flowering plants in this graveyard. So this place  is like walking in a park.

But, it took a while before we found the tomb. And I was really exhausted pushing the wheelchair like this bird.

 At last we found the tomb of her brother and put the rose there.

We were about to give up looking for her parent's tomb, but lucky us,  we saw it near the tomb of her brother. And it made her very happy. And I was very glad too for her. Suddenly I was not exhausted anymore. It was worth the effort when I saw her smile. Afterwards she gave me a hug  and thanked me for accompanying her to the graveyard.

This visit made me missed my father who died many years ago. Wished I could visit him too, but not easy with a distance of a thousand miles......but one day! 

Thought for the day

From google images



  1. so nice of you Joy to help her visit her brother and parents and to think that you need to look for the graveyard.

    I am loving all the flowers that you are posting here...

  2. I am so glad you help her visiting her loved one. She will find comfort in doing so, as I am taking my mom to the grave yard to visit my dad's grave whenever I can.

  3. Graveyards and gravestones have always fascinated me. Love that bird statute. Blessings to you Joy.

  4. God sees everything we do and I'm certain He too is happy that you accompanied your elderly friend to the grave yard.

    Matthew 25:40 " And the King will say, ' I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'"

    1. Thanks Sincerity:) I am truly blessed having the elderly around me:)

  5. Such beautiful pictures. You are a true blessing.

  6. That is such a tender act of kindness, Joy! Her smile is definitely worth all those wheelchair-pushing. I'm also glad her wheelchair didn't roll by itself while you were taking picture of those beautiful flowers haha! Just kidding ;-)

    Spanish Pinay

    1. Thanks SP. Yes, I am thankful that her wheelchair has brakes:)

  7. HI Joy, You are so nice to the nursing home folks. I'm sure that that lady loved being near the graves of her loved ones. How special is that!!!! Makes me miss my parents too --and both of my brothers. Like you, they are buried many miles away.


    1. Thanks Betsy. It is a joy being with them:)

  8. They're so lucky you worked there, you really helped them out and you are truly a disciples of God....Back again...hehhehe...I missed some of your post JOy....I will be back to read some of it.

  9. What a precious post! They are so blessed to have you. Thanks for following, I'm your newest follower. So glad I found your blog! HUGS

  10. That was quite an exercise, Joy.... and so happy for you to give joy (like your name) to those around you, including us.

    Wish you can visit your Papa's tomb soon, and have a nice time with family here in our country.

    Bless you around those kind people and in the midst of your lovely garden country home.

    1. Thanks Sis Lolita:)I have plan to visit our homecountry maybe last week of jaunary. So, I hope matuloy:)

  11. very sweet and nice of you to help her go and visit her parents and brothers grave. ang ganda naman ng cemetery dyan, parang park lang! :)

  12. i love your creativity on those cards. fantastic job! hope you could visit my mellow yellow monday here:


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.