
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The simple woman's Daybook

Outside my window.... windy and cloudy

I am thinking... how I can find time to do everything I wanted to do

I am thankful...that I managed to weed grass today in my flowering bed

In the kitchen.... time to make something to eat

I am jogging pants and a white shirt

I am going to.... visit my mother-in-law on Thursday for her birthday celebration

I am wondering... when I am going to find the time to read the manual of my Nikon camera

I am reading.....blogspost

I am hoping.....for more sunshine this summer

I am looking forward... for our Philippines Independence Day celebration here in Norway on Saturday.

I am learning.... to download music from internet to my Iphone

I am listening to ....Charles Stanley's preaching

A favorite quote for today.....

One of my favorite things to do.....looking at these awesome creatures captured by: Ole Johnny Male

A few plans for the rest of the week...

1. Finish the pot holder I am crocheting
2. Take more pictures 
3. Write more post and read blogsposts
4. Spend more time with my hubby in between my busy schedule

A peek into my day....

1. Morning prayer and devotion.
2.  Baked banana cake at the activity center where I work. 
3. Watched a movie together with the elderly.
4. Made two cards for a dear old lady. She said she is going to send them to her daughters.
5. Eaten fried fresh fish  that my husband caught from the sea. Ice cream for dessert.
6. Taken a nap in the afternoon.
7. Weed grass in my garden.
8. Writing and reading blogpost

                                         Then, good night!



  1. You always stay busy lady! God definitely equips you for all He has called you too!

  2. What a lovely full day! Your photos are amazing! Your father reminds me of Helen Keller. Bless his heart. Did her loose both senses later in life? I truly cannot imagine, as what I see is so important when I don't hear clearly and will always be totally deaf without my cochlear implant turned on. Your heart is such a tender heart, am sure learning to be there for your father in his life allowed you and your family to grow in Grace the way very few do. Anytime you want to email me more about your father's life, I would love to know more about him. Blessings.

  3. Thank you for sharing your very busy day with us all. You accomplish much. Bless God!

  4. Wonderful post with beautiful birds.

  5. As always, you have the most wonderful photos! And you had such a very busy day! God bless...

  6. You are such a busy lady, Joy.... I still love it that you give of your busy time to do things for and with the elderly. That is just so important.

    Great set of photos and I love your quote for today!!!


  7. thank you for your example of kindness to others..and your photos are beautiful!

  8. good night Joy! that was a wonderful day and an appealing schedule ahead :)

  9. as I read your post, it seems you manage well your time and reflect it in your daily life..Awesome Joy, continue all your good works you inspired me.

    Don't worry about the manual of your camera just read it maybe when you're on the road inside the car. That's how I read books.I like your're getting good:)

  10. It sounds like you have a great day planned out today! I so wish i had a garden to tend to. That sounds lovely! It's so great that you work at a place where you are able to help others. i bet they all love you. I love the beautiful photos of the birds. :)
    I hope you have a wonderful day! :)

  11. Lovely photos. Can do without the mosquito though. Hee hee. Blessings.

  12. I love these posts. I feel like I get to know the blogger just a little bit better. I would like a slice of your banana bread with some butter, would love to sit and crochet with you and help mark a couple things off your to-do list.

    You shelter so many--an inspiration to me!


  13. You sure are very productive! Not only that, you also touch other's people's lives! :-)

    Spanish Pinay

  14. Busy busy! Yung manual din ng camera ko di ko pa nababasa. Eto pa... bumili ako ng 3 photography books di ko pa rin nababasa 2 years na sakin. lol

  15. you are a superWoman ;) anyway, you're not alone with that Nikon manual.

    oops, just don't forget a slice of banana cake for me!!

  16. I'm not sure if you're celebrating Father's day there, but anyway just dropping by to greet your hubby "Happy Father's day".Have a nice day!

  17. Thanks mhie. Happy father's day to your hubby too. We celebrate fathers day second sunday of november.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.