
Saturday, June 30, 2012


Proverbs 1: 8 Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They will be garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

Listen means to make an effort to hear something, to wait alertly i order to hear a sound. It is also means to allow oneself to be persuaded by a suggestion or request.

I must admit that I am not a good listener. I always presumed that I know what will be the next word that the talker will going to say. In addition I don't want to hear details, go to the fact and be finished with what your are saying. For me, time is gold. And that is not really a nice part of me. I am being disrepectful although it was not my intention.

I remember when I was young, I thought that I knew best. I don't want to listen to those that were older than me. And the result was not good. If I only knew how to listen. And that trait I can now see in my teen-age daughter. In fact, not only her but most of the youth today, thinks that they know bettter than their parents. They say that it is their lives and they have to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Maybe right, maybe not. But I believe that it will help them along the way if they will just 

God is reminding me /us to listen. We are His children too. It is easy to see the young ones who don't want to listen to the older generation. But how about me, how about you? How about trying to listen to God that we can feel what he feels, we can hear his voice so clearly and we can feel his touch? Those moments will be so precious that we will not be anywhere in the world but with him.

When I go for a walk, I don't usually listen to different sounds along the way. Being a thinker, I think all the time. What I am going to do next, thinking of my life, my family and the list is endless. So, even if a dead person is lying on my path, I might not see her /him coz my mind wonders......But if I determined to really stop, look, listen while I walk, then I hear the birds sings, the wind blows and the sounds I made as I walk. Then I see the beauty around me and I can hear God talking to me through his creation. And then my walk will be the best walk ever. And that is why God is telling me to

It is like reading God's precious words. I can read verse after verse or chapters in the bible, it does not help me if I wont listen. I have to really wait for God to reveal something from his words to me. And guess what? I discovered treasures after treasures in God's words when I really listen. That is why God wanted us to listen.....his words will be a garland on our heads and a chain to adorn necks. God's words can make us beautiful. It decorate us. What a wonderful promise! Just think of God who hears prayers from east to west, prayers from the bottom of our hearts at the same time. My oh my, he is really listening!

God said that we have to bind his words upon our hearts forever and fasten them around our neck. Because when we walk, his words will guide us. When we sleep, his words will watch over us, when we are awake his words will speak to us. For his commands are a lamp, his teaching is a light, and the correction of his discipline are the way to life.  Proverbs 6:21-2
So friends what are you listening lately? Mind telling me what you hear? 



  1. thanks for the message Joy...I am usually a good listener...people tell me that.....but more than listening to anyone...I want to listen always to HIm.

  2. I have to concentrate on listening because I like to talk too much...when it comes to my relationship with God I love waiting to hear Him. There is no sound I would rather hear!

  3. ohh, you remind me to listen, don't worry Joy you're not alone sometimes I forgot I talk a lot and don't listen my friends. We need to listen to our friends. Happy weekend Joy.

  4. I'm not the best listener either, but it helps to slow down and just simply be quiet for a bit. {and to get off the computer -- I don't do a good job of listening to my kids when my eyes and fingers are glued to the screen and keyboard!}

  5. Anyone who knows my husband knows I listen a lot. Ha! It has made me a good listener. I'm thankful that God listens. I love hearing my husband's voice, it's awesome to know God likes to hear mine!

  6. I think I'm good on - listening. I listen intently to people and everything around me. it's somewhat the same on the way I read - intently. I really love how you wrote this post Joy. Not only that it's inspiring but it's really convincing. It will make people analyze how they listen.

    Btw, THANK YOU so much for dropping by and welcoming my new blog :) I appreciate it much. I'm looking forward to more blogging from you :) Don't think about "getting old", we're just at the same age range ;) Age is just a number!

    1. Thank you so much Balut. And yes....we are young at heart and the best is yet to come:)

  7. Oh, I'm somehow guilty of not really listening sometimes.. my mind is pre-occupied with a lot of things and I tend to get lost with all my thoughts.. But thanks for reminding me how to listen, especially to God's voice.. A blessed Sunday to you and your family! :)

  8. I appreciate this topic.Listening is definitely a learned experience and not always an easy one.And I do believe good communication starts with Listening.Thanks po! :)

  9. Yes we were given 2 ears to listen but only one mouth tho talk with. This was intentional. Talking is going on about ourselves mostly. Listening is concentrating on someone other than yourself.. And there is much wisdom in it. Blessings and love.

  10. Indeed when we're younger, we aren't open to the idea of listening..because when we always think that we know best or we know what's right. But then we learn that we're not and it's luckily, it's ok because it's not too late. We get to realize that indeed we need to listan.

    I've read that when our ears, when placed together forms the shape of the heart, and just like the heart we need ears to love. Because if we listen we show that we love the person we listen to and we value what they say.

    Anyways, Happy July Ms Joy! :))

    1. HI zai zai. I learned something from you that I will never forget because tumama sa puso ko. And that what you read about our ears, when place together forms the shape of the heart, and just like the heart we need ears to love.......this words is vey strong for me and a reminder everytime I am together with my loved ones and just half listening. Thanks!

    2. happy to share that with you Ms. Joy :)

  11. I suffer from the same problem - not meaning to be disrespectful, but wanting to get to the point. Thank you for the reminder that listening is the better part! Bless you!

  12. dapat talaga nakikinig.....kasi para rin naman sa ating kabutihan..

  13. For me, my "problem" about being able to TRULY listen is that I have so many thing racing through my mind. Life has been so hectic that it's hard to just stop and drop everything so actually listen. I am guilty especially with my husband as I have the tendency to tune out if the topic does not interest me. I'm working on it.

  14. I have certainly improved in the area of listening. Thank you Joy for sharing on this. Blessings.

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Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.