
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What do I have in abundance?

This is what I have in abundance that no one can steal from me! God's creation that I can see with my eyes. 

              The sun reminds me of God!

Psalm:84:11 For the Lord is a sun and a shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withold from them that walk uprightly.

It says  that he is our sun: it means that with him, although we are sorrounded by darkness, his light will be seen in us.

It says that he is our shield: it means protection from the fiery darts of the enemy.

It says that he will give us grace and glory.

Well, what does he really mean by grace?

 Grace is: The  quality of being attractive especially in movement, manner or design. 

Well think about that! We, being attractive in many areas. Who would not want that?

Grace is: favor and goodwill

How lucky we are that whenever we go or whomever we meet, we will be given favor and goodwill. That is God's grace too!

Grace is: God's loving mercy to mankind. How about that? That's what I call real love.

But how about glory?

Glory:  beauty, magnificence

That is what I want to be. Beautiful inside and out and a magnificent  (excellent in quality) person. And God is giving that too!

And it also says that " no good thing will he withold to those that walk uprightly.

It means that God will provide everything that is good for us.
But....................................we must walk uprightly. That is our part.

So, what do I have more in abundance? God's promises.... that never can be broken! 

Like this sunset! It always happen, although we can't see it everyday. And so with God's words.

So what about you? What do you have in abundance?

Sharing my entry to: A pause on the Path "
                                       Tell me a story  
                                    Teach me Tuesday
                  Titus tuesday    
                                      Soli Deo Gloria


  1. Beautiful post!

    Here's my WFW:



Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.