
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The dirt!

My husband just came home from the ship and of course I am so happy for that. But  since he is just going to be at home for four weeks, he has so many things to be done for a very short period of time.
Hope you remember from my previous post that  we had just purchased a second hand 24 feet boat. And since it has been in the sea water for a long time, we have to bring it on land to see how it looks under and do what is necessary.

As you can see under the boat, something must be done.
this how it looks like under....

And my husband  used a high-pressure washer to remove all the dirt and me a piece of wood to scrape the shells that was stuck under the boat. It was really a hard work. 

And after many hours of work, we managed to remove all the dirt under the boat. But guess what? Now we are the ones who needs to be cleaned. Not only that, our bodies were aching. I supposed we are not so young anymore. 
Anyway,  my husband has to let the boat to  dry first before he can repair and repaint the damages . So I was glad to hear that coz we really need a long hot shower and rest for our aging body. 

This boat is actually like us human. Although we are not under the seawater to absorb all the dirt under the sea, but we are in this world and are surrounded with every kinds of filthy things that can make our mind, soul and spirit like  a garbage dump if we just let it happen. But it happen more or less whether we like it or not. And when that happens, then how can we make us clean? We can use all kinds of soap, sponge, scrub to clean our physical body and it helps for a while, until we get dirty again. 

But how about our soul and spirit? Soap and water can't do the job. But isn't  so amazing that Jesus did all the dirty work for us? We don't have to scrub and to spend many hours of cleaning and repairing ourselves coz Jesus came to do that for us. We only need to put our lives into His hands and let him do the job. 

King David's prayer! 

And we should be our prayer too. Create in us a clean heart  God.  


  1. Very enlightening post! I missed reading your blog since I had my PC on repair for weeks. I'm back, and just by reading your blog entries makes me closer again to God, you're amazing person with a big heart and a messenger of God, mommy Joy. Good to know you're not alone in the house now and that you have a strong loving arms again to hold for weeks, enJOY each moment together!

    1. Thank you so much Gracie for my post makes you closer to God. YOur words warms my heart. To God be the glory.Anyway, jA, det er virkelig godt å ha mannen min hjemme:)

  2. Great post, Joy... That boat will be awesome once you all get it all clean and fixed-up... YES---we need Jesus to help keep us clean---whiter than snow!!!! Right???

    God Bless You.

    1. Yes Betsy , I think so. Anyway, it was fun working with my husband and hearing inspiration from God at the same time:)

  3. love this analogy...wish i could live everyday by putting my life in His hands and letting Him do the job!

  4. Joy, I love the spiritual message you saw through your hard work on the boat. You have ears to hear with The Spirit is saying. And thank you for sharing His message.

    What will the name of your boat be? I hope you have so many wonderful memories from your time together on your boat! God bless you!

  5. I love how you connect things and make a reflection. Thank you for inspiring us.

  6. Thank you for sharing your true story at: Tell Me a Story. I loved your applications about life and our spiritual life. For our outside, we do need those hot showers, and God does clean us up on the inside with his cleaning solution.

  7. Joy~ I certainly could benefit from a power wash every once in a while! Great post. I'm following your great blog now. I'd love it it you would link up with a blog hop called "Pay It Forward" over at my place. It's open to link up right now if you click over.

    Have a great weekend... many blessings!

    PS. I love the "time is golden" philosophy you wrote about on your about me page. It sure is.

  8. Hi Holly! Did it:)will folow your blog too!

    1. Thanks Joy! I noticed you language translator too. I'm going to see if I can locate that gadget myself. If not, I'll be back asking you for the code. It would be really handy to have that feature!

  9. How precious to work toil over something that you can reap good results from. I believe that is why God never gives up on us...the effort He puts into our life is not wasted...someday that transformation will be complete...we will be just like Him...complete body, soul and spirit. Great post

  10. Very inspirational! Love that you were able to spread His words and His love for us through your post. Thank you Ms. Joy. :)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.