
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Coconut and pineapple cake!

I found this recipe from a magazine and since I love both cocunut and pineapple, I baked this cake.

First step: 8 eggs and 8 dl sugar whippped until creamy
I doubled the portion coz I am going to served this cake to the elders and they are many.

2. Melted 300 grams butter

3. Combined 12 dl flour and 6 ts baking powder

4. Then add the dry ingredients, melted butter and 4 dl cold water  to the whipped batter.

5. Pour in a big baking pan

6. Baked for twenty minutes before adding the toppings

7. Combined 8 tbsp butter, 4 dl sugar, 4 eggs, 6 dl grated dried cocunut, 8 tsp vanilla sugar and stir in low heat until thicky.

8. Add 6 dl pineapple chunks. 

9. Pour on the top of the layer. 
Because I made double portion, it was a little bit too much for the baking pan as you can see in the picture.

10. Again I  put the unfinished cake back in the oven and baked in 200 degrees for another 40 minutes.

The finished cake:) It does not look so nice, but it taste so good. Try it!

"Thought for the day"

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. 
Phil. 2:3


  1. Joy,it looks yummy...wish to bake cake,as of now I am still using box-mean ready made..hehehhe

  2. The cake sounds wonderful. I hoop over here from JBR's blog.

  3. Loos good to me! Maybe if you cut them up into squares and sprinkle with confectioner's sugar, it will look even better!

  4. Looks delicious, Joy... I love pineapple and coconut also. Think I will try this recipe sometime. Thanks!!!


  5. after typing in this comment, I'll go right ahead and buy dried coconut and do this cake coconut and pineapples too!

    visiting from Color Connection, hope you can take a peek at Motherhood and Me

  6. here again, checking if there's still some cake left;)

  7. mouth watering!
    and I love the double portion" ha ha ha

    ... and I really laughed at Mayet's comment of coming back to check if there's still some cake left :P


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