
Thursday, April 26, 2012

The simple woman's diary

Linking to:

Outside my window... Cloudy and the wind is blowing a little bit

I am thinking... What to write....

I am thankful...for waking up today with my husband beside me. For seeing the sun rise up!

In the kitchen...left over from yesterday's spareribs dinner.

I am wearing... a black and violet dress.

I am today and post for my blog.

I am take two dear old ladies to a concert tonight

I am wondering... what's for dinner.

I am reading ....... the bible and posts from my friends in blogworld.

I am be a better person than I am now. 

I am looking forward to...know more wonderful people in blogworld.

I am learning.. to be a better writer , to draw, to paint, photograhy, play guitar, etc.

Around the house...needs cleaning this weeek-end. Clothes to be wash and ironed.

I am pondering what God said : " I can do all things through him". But not all things are good for me. That I need wisdom to know which is which.

A favorite quote for today... The best is yet to come!

One of my favorite things...being with my loved ones.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Gardening, boating with my husband, visit my mother-in-law, bake cake, write,  read and learn more

A peek into my day...

Taking picture of my cat!

And the sunrise!

And some of the cards I made today!

And these painting  of a pair of boots that I made!

I was lucky too:) I won a box of chocolates from the concert's lottery!

Concert for the elderly

The Bel Canto singers!

That ends my day.....almost

The sunset!

How about yours?


  1. Love the sunset picture. I am new to the blogging world and don't quite undertand what the linking up with another site is...

  2. Great post, Joy... You are so nice to be doing what God wants you to do ---helping others (in your case, the elderly) in this world. I'm sure they loved the concert...

    Love your answers... My favorite quote is: "Surround Yourself with Positive People"...

    Great photos.. Love your kitty, the sunset ---and your CARDS...


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.