
Friday, April 20, 2012

My teddy bear!

When I was a child, I didn't have a teddy bear. In fact the only playtoy that I had was a paper doll which I cut from old comics magazines. Anyway, there were lots of other things to play with especially when we are 6 children in the family. And besides I just love dreaming and reading anyway , so it did not matter much. And so I thought!

Now I am fifty and look what I am doing in my sparetime and at the activity center where I work! Making stufftoys. Trying to feel how does it feel to own one, since  I did not experience that kind of feeling when I was a child.

Well, after making maybe at least 10 colorful  clowns, I found out that I am gonna make teddy bear this time. And this is the one I made. First time ever. 

It strucked me that teddy bears are children's favorite toy. It seems that teddy bears are a playmate to them and a comforter . Just look at my youngest daughter when she was a child.

It was  her brother and sister when she was a child. Growing up apart from her siblings that lives in the Philippines. She missed having someone to play with at home. 

And the teddy bear comforted her when she was sad. She too miss her daddy a lot who works at sea. 

Well, she is 18 years old now and not playing with teddy bear anymore. But she loves to see her picture with the teddy bear from time to time. 

Anyway, I am almost an old lady now, although I don't feel really old. And I still and will be  making stufftoys. Although it gives me a happy feeling everytime I made a new one,  I don't use them to comfort me when I am down and needs comfort or rest. Coz I have a God that said:

So if someone is hurting out there  and needs to be comforted, the only place you can really seek a real comfort is God. 


Spiritual Sundays:
Faith Filled Fridays:


  1. So true...there is only one who can comfort us! Many blessings Joy!

  2. that's too cute Joy, I love teddy bear as well. Sorry I missed some of your blog posts, I've been busy lately.
    I'm happy for you Joy. I'm using "M" in the camera. My tips for you is try to familiarize your ISO which is the higher ISO I used during evening or low light and the lower ISO uses it in day time . Study your aperture also.It is really important you know that. Try to familiarize it so you have a better results.

    Kaya mo yan, I believe you have a talent in photography.

  3. in my case i am a young lady feeling ten or twelve or maybe twenty years older, and i didn't have a teddy bear ever. but that doesn't mean i don't need a comforter, someone to hug, lean on, cry to. at times i sleep hugging my guitar.

    Good thing God promised me (and us) in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness". really, really comforting.

    and thanks for your lovely comment. :)

  4. My son is about your age. He loved teddy bears when he was a little boy. I still have some of his favorite ones. He would never admit it but I'll bet he's glad I saved them. He used to put them all in the bed with him. There was hardly room for him, but he did love those bears. Dolls is something I found I never completely outgrew because I started making them about 25 years ago. I have a blog featuring my dolls.
    Thank you for bringing back the memories and you're right. God is the only one who can give real comfort.

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