
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happinnes that can't be bought!

                To see, smell and feel  God's creation is a kind of happiness that can't be bought. 

With her permission I am posting pictures of this dear old lady that walk 2 kilometer in a cold weather with a walker, just to buy me a bouquet flowers on my 50th birthday. And addition she bought me a gift from Italy when she went there.

Today we went for a walk in a place called Austrått Lund. It was raining a little bit but it didn't stop us from going. So she had her walker with her.

The plan was to go for a walk until she gets tired and then we go back. And as we walked we saw a lot of funny things in nature. Like the tree under with hole in the middle.

Looks like a coffee kettle for me or an elephant?

A baby troll?

A troll riding a wagon.......

Another troll!

It seems to me that these are balls made of grass!

But a family of moose scared us! I tried to take pictures while walking away, but my old lady friend walked away as fast a she could. 
We were lucky coz they didn't attack us. Maybe they saw that we are not to be afraid of. Hi, hi

Anyway after walking half of the trail which is 3 kilometers, we took a rest to take a cup of coffee.  And to see the beauty of nature,  to inhale the fresh air, hear the birds singing  and feel the tranquility of the sorroundings.

And then back to the trail again. 

One last shot before we leave!

Bye, bye. Until next time again when the flowers are blooming and the forest is all green! 

And again I can't help it but to admire this lady who walked three kilometers today with me with a walker. It was  a wonderful day for both of us: body and soul.


Linking up with: 

                                   Teach Me On Tuesday:


  1. Such a lovely time with your sweet friend!

  2. This is the thing that I would like to do from today until I get old...

    1. thanks anney and che! My blog profile ka na pala che. So you can start sharing yours, especially about my mga apos:)

  3. You sure did connect to nature on that walk :) Such a sweet friend you have. Happiness indeed!

    Thanks for following my blog. Now following you back :)

  4. So beautiful and peaceful looking. And such a good friend!

  5. awwww! so sweet friend you have there in a place where serenity is priceless! nice post Ate Joy! :)

  6. looks like a peaceful chilly day. :)

  7. What an inspiring post. I've enjoyed all the pictures of your beautiful country.

  8. hi joy,
    first I want to THANK you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment :) it meant a lot to me. you said that you got curious because you always see my name on the blogs that you are visiting, truth is, I really love to read. maybe it's one of the reason why i got hook on blogging.

    second, you have a lovely post in here. what a way to enjoy nature with a very thoughtful friend. something very worthwhile writing in your notepad.

    Again, THANKS for the visit. I followed you I'm # 98. see you around Joy :)

  9. happiness is priceless; indeed, it can't be bought. And judging by the way your friend smiles, she didn't just make you happy, you made her happy too.

    Thanks for visiting my blog Ms. Joy, followed and added you. See you around... :)

  10. Happy Birthday to you. Your friend was so sweet to think of you and to make the effort to walk with you. She seems to do very well for a person who must use a walker!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.