
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The famous Trollstigen!

I have seen trollstigen in pictures and my dream was to see  this place personally. And now finally....

The Trollstigen mountain road is no doubt the most renowned piece of road in Norway. Trollstigen (The Trolls' Path) was opened in July 1936, after a construction period of 8 years.

But before reaching the top, we have to drive zigzag roads. And that was very scary to me!

As you can see, the waterfall ended here, so I have to see where it is coming from.

The mountains which encircle the road are enormous;
Store Trolltind a mighty 1.788 metres above sea level, and mountains called Kongen (the King), Dronningen (the Queen) and Bispen (the Bishop) confirm their majesty in this mountain world. Stigfossen waterfall gushes down the mountainside towards the luscious Isterdalen valley.

And up we go taking pictures with eyes closed. I was so afraid to look down!

But the view was breathtaking!

Part of the waterfall!

Now we are on top of the waterfall!

More view!

Finally we are on the top of the trollstigen. I was already very frightened on the way to the top, but still we have to drive down. I was glad that we are not coming back. 

But I was happy to see this amazing fall!

A monument along the road!

More breathtaking scenes!

My daughter on top of the world...I mean on top of the bench:)

Nice road  sign along the road!

And finally my daughter found a friend:)

She loves this troll, but it can never be her prince :)

I found my troll!

One of the family!

This is my husband's troll. A viking!

Troll inside the cafeteria!

In a fireplace!

Trolls  everywhere. Norway's tourist attraction too!

It was an amazing trip for two years ago, but I promise you that I won't drive this trollstigen road again because it was really scary. But if you want an adrenalin kick, this is the place for you to go! 

Nice memories though!

              "Thought for the day"
It is not what you have, but instead what God has that you have! G. Ray Jordan



  1. wow Joy....what breathtaking views. I'd love to stand there...feel the power of its awesomeness. And love love love those trolls. One day...I wanna go to Norway!!!! ☺

  2. Your posts always make me want to go to Norway. I think I would be afraid to go up the zig zag path too but worth it to see the beauty and majesty of God's creation.

  3. trekking your blog!!! Amazing landscape!


  4. Hi Joy, Those mountain roads like you went on are some of George's and my favorite types of roads to travel. AND--that waterfall is AWESOME... WOW!!!! I'd love to see that in person someday. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Super ganda ng view! Naku malulain ako pero pag ganyan naman kaganda yung place e pupuntahan ko pa rin!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these photos. I love watching them and I love the views. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. My husband and I would love the place and he would surely drive us to the top. We have been on a road like this last summer except the one we were at was not as nice as this. It was narrow and winding road and no one else was there, but us. Desperate to camp out again somewhere and we ended up at a place that was crazy scary. Glad we made it back to the ground safe and not rolling down the hill and possibly dead. hehehe... :) Your photos are awesome and the daughter is pretty just like mama. Visiting late via Happiness Is.

  7. such a breathtaking view. Spectacular, amazing and all other great big words! Thanks for sharing. I would go there without thinking twice. Definitely something to see and worth everythign :)

    Spanish Pinay

  8. Oh my, the zigzag road does look scary because one wrong turn can be fatal. However, I think that this scary experience is worth it because you get to see such a wonderful sight. It looks straight out of the movies. :) I hope that someday I can also see the beautiful Trollstigen. :)

  9. Breathtaking, indeed! I've seen pictures of this road too, but I never knew what it was called. I got butterflies accompanying you on this journey :). Thanks for taking me along!

  10. lovely place to be!!! I wanna go there too someday ate Joy! By the way have I told you've got a beautiful genes that produce such a beautiful daughter!Ganda! :)

    1. Thanks Anna! I am sure your children too will be beautiful. Magmana sa mommy! I am looking forward to that!

  11. Sobrang ganda mommy joy! You had a closer encounter with the big and strong waterfalls, sarap naman. This is one of my fave entries of yours po. klem


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