
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter with the elderly!

I said in my last post " Trip to Ă…lesund" that I will continue to share my adventure with my husband, but since today is Sunday, I decided to post this one first. Our way of celebrating Easter with the elderly!

Me and my sister, ready for the days event!

We decorated the tables first. Made them extra special because it was Easter.

And we prepared the food that we are going to served. Here is my baked buns with vanilla cream filling!

My sister made these wouth watering sandwiches!

Sliced fruit for good health!

My brother-in-law baked this cheese cake:) 

The  choir singing for us:)

My brother-in-law  had a surprise for each and eveyone.  A big egg with goodies inside:) How lucky we are.

These  eggs put smiles on our faces!

And to  the elderly too! 

The best part:   food for the soul!

A retired priest and his wife came and shared God's word to us!

The joy of sharing God's blessings to the elderly cannot measure with money. And yes, they were so thankful that they want to give us money, but we said that we don't come to get money from them, but  smiles on their faces was more than enough reward for us. And I am sure God is smiling too!

 My sister and my brother-in-law. I really treasured this couple in my heart. A blessing!

Happy Easter to everybody. Jesus is risen:)

Linking with Spiritual Sundays:



  1. What a fun and noble way to celebrate Easter Sunday! :-)

    Spanish Pinay

  2. Thanks Spanish Pinay:) Happy Easter to you and your family:)

  3. Awww, what a way to celebrate!
    Happy Easter =)

  4. so nice... luv it..


  5. i can see how happy the elders were in the pictures, with happy hearts and happy souls. Happy Easter!

  6. Yes mel. They are really very thankful and happy:)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.