
Monday, April 30, 2012

Spicing up our lovelife!

As you can see in the picture, the weather is perfect. Sky is blue and the sea is calm.

So we decided to explore the beauty at sea:)

Inside the boat...

Being with my husband is one of the best thing in my life:)

Maybe like these birds? It is always nice to have someone with you:)

Now I see twinkling stars in sight!

The beauty of foaming seawater...

around us.......

It was really a spicy day:)

"Thought for the day"

Doubt sees obstacles;
Faith sees the way.
Doubt sees the darkest nights;
faith sees the day.
Doubt questions, " Who believes?"
Faith answers , " I". 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

God, where are you?

I was a child lonely and hungry.....God where are you?

    "borrowed picture from google"

I was bullied, my father couldn't defend me. He was deaf and blind......God, where are you?

I was a teenager being abuse, molested, exploited......God where are you?

    "borrowed picture from google"

I was a grown-up woman being mistreated, humilated, beaten... God where are you?


And God said:
I was with you all the way.
I was your Father when you needed one!
 I was the voice saying: " Don't give up".
I imparted  you strength to survive.
I had given you hope when everything seems hopeless.
I had shown you a glimpse of light when you were in darkness.
I comforted you when you were hurt.
I was the one who reminded you which way you should go when you were lost.
I was the one who had given you courage to fight for your right.
I was the one who had given you understanding.
I was the one who had given you wisdom when you asked.
I was the one who rescued you from death to life.
I was the one who had given you a heart to love and forgive.
I was the one who loved you, given my life for you, purified and forgiven you.
I was the one who sends you help along the way.

    And God reminded me of his words:                                         

I did ask, seek, knock and found. I have been  restored and  made whole again by God. Now I am a very happy woman, loved and blessed by God in every area of my life. Now I know that God has been with me be all the way. 

So if anyone out there who ask the same question: God where are you? 

Remember the footprints in the sand? 

During the times of trials and suffering, when you  see only one set of footprints in the was then that I carried you!


Linking to Spiritual Sundays:
                Tell me a story:
                Thoughtful Thursday:

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happiness is:

 Spending an evening  with my husband just watching the sun set!

Reminds me of this verse: Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and new earth wherien dwelleth righteousness. 2.Peter 3:13

Looking at the sky,  God's magnificent  creation, how much more magnificent it will be being with God in heaven......the source of happiness!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

The simple woman's diary

Linking to:

Outside my window... Cloudy and the wind is blowing a little bit

I am thinking... What to write....

I am thankful...for waking up today with my husband beside me. For seeing the sun rise up!

In the kitchen...left over from yesterday's spareribs dinner.

I am wearing... a black and violet dress.

I am today and post for my blog.

I am take two dear old ladies to a concert tonight

I am wondering... what's for dinner.

I am reading ....... the bible and posts from my friends in blogworld.

I am be a better person than I am now. 

I am looking forward to...know more wonderful people in blogworld.

I am learning.. to be a better writer , to draw, to paint, photograhy, play guitar, etc.

Around the house...needs cleaning this weeek-end. Clothes to be wash and ironed.

I am pondering what God said : " I can do all things through him". But not all things are good for me. That I need wisdom to know which is which.

A favorite quote for today... The best is yet to come!

One of my favorite things...being with my loved ones.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Gardening, boating with my husband, visit my mother-in-law, bake cake, write,  read and learn more

A peek into my day...

Taking picture of my cat!

And the sunrise!

And some of the cards I made today!

And these painting  of a pair of boots that I made!

I was lucky too:) I won a box of chocolates from the concert's lottery!

Concert for the elderly

The Bel Canto singers!

That ends my day.....almost

The sunset!

How about yours?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tromsø: The wedding

We are three sisters that are living here in Norway. One older than me and the other is younger than me. Our younger sister's oldest daughter ( she has three) invited us to come to her wedding in Tromsø. We were all excited not only for the wedding, but to meet relatives that  were invited too and to see Tromsø. So here we are at the airport with my brother-in-law. His wife was the one who was taking the picture. My husband was ombord the ship  that time.

Arriving at Tromsø. Me and my older sister!

The bride and the bridegroom fetched us at the airport. The day before the wedding.

Since there was an ongoing festival that week-end, there was no vacant room in every hotel in the area. But the couple found this Tromsø Camping   for us.

And the mother's bride. Our younger sister. She also stayed with us. We were so happy to meet each other again.

As you can see in the smiles!

But the day before the wedding, we were invited by the couple to have a get together party in their place.

Here are the girls in the family. Both young and old.

Aside from the food that the couple prepared for dinner, my niece catched a fish from the terrace with a fishing hook. 

The next day: The wedding was  to be held in the afternoon so we went to the town first to look around. 

This is the city of Tromsø. Me and my older sister!

Me and my brother-in-law!

Yehey, the rain stopped!

Cute, isn't it?

Want to join us?

I found the statue of the former king. He was too big for me:)

As I said there was a festival and although it was raining, it didn't stop them having a parade.

This is the church where the couple will promise later to love each other forever .

At last!

The reception was in a restaurant on top of a mountain. But since it was raining the view was not so clear.

But anyway, the smiles on the newly-weds faces brightened our day!

Beautiful table-setting.

And the foods....really mouth watering!

And the dessert!

The gifts!

The lovely couple!

The newly-wed cakes!

In the picture from the left side: mother of the bride, our cousin, my older sister, the bride, me, our aunt,  my sister second daughter and her youngest. Sisters of the bride.

And we wished them to live happily ever after! 

And now after two and half years....... their prince!

Very memorable wedding and trip to Tromsø.