
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Unforgertable 50th birthday celebration!

First time ever that I celebrated my birthday. After almost 50 years, so here I am. One week before my 50th birthday.

Well, I just want to mark my gratitude to God for creating me, for all the blessings, family and friends.

My sister and Maria Stella, a friend helped me decorated the place and the result was not so bad :)

My sister Lourdes made the flower decorations and some of the guest admired them and asked the name of the flowershop who made them. They did not know that my sister is very clever with making flower arrangement.  My husband told them the secret. He, he. Thanks sis!

                                                               Now it's eating time! 

Now it's cake eating time:)

 The young girls were the first ones to taste the cakes:)

                          Me and my beloved husband!

Father and daughter!

                                        Together with some of the girls!

Beautiful ladies who helped me in the kitchen. Their love shown in deeds:)

                                            Nearest family members in both sides:)

                                                                  Lovely ladies!

Beautiful, beuatiful, beautiful.............everybody!

Maria Stella sang a song for me " You stand by me" . I was so touched and so were the others too. She is a lovely lady, with a lovely voice and with a loving heart!

And followed by more  lovely girls and voices. We really had fun :)

And the the best part: The gifts.... he he

 And lots of beautiful cards that have inside. Then now I can buy the  camera that I dreamed of: Maybe Nikon D5100  or Canon EOS 600 D

And what made my birthday complete is this gift from my friend Claudia Elguezabal from Mexico. She painted a portrait of me!
This is how will I look like forever friends ..... he, he

And my niece got a perm from military where she is having her basic training. So happy to have her in my birthday celebration.

And a birthday card from my friend Jorlyn who is now in  the USA.

So I just want thank my family and friends who made my 50th birthday celebration  very memorable.
Thanks for being there for me. 

Next celebration will be after 50 years again, so I expect everybody to come then. He, he



  1. Hello dear Ligaya,
    Once again, thank you so much for the invitiation on your big day.
    Thats a very nice party with those all nice people sorrounds you.
    God bless and more blessings to come in your life.
    ligaya nice to know you my dear. O:-) ;-) <3

    1. Thanks also for coming and for all the help. So really happy for having you all in my birthday.

  2. waah! mauunahan mo pa ko bumili ng camera. =) advanced happy birthday!

  3. You don't look like 50 at all! I swear, not at all! wow :) you look really pretty on your birthday dress :) Celebrations are indeed made sweeter and dearer with the presence of loving friends and family and relatives :)

    Spanish Pinay

  4. Belated Happy Birthday po Ms. Joy! You look so pretty and blooming! ^__^ Sometimes its nice to be able to celebrate with family and friends. I really love the portrait that your friend made. It looks just like you. :) Your sis is also very talented! :)

    1. Thanks Karla actually my birthday is on march 10. just celebrated one week before because my husband is going to leave soon to work ombord again. he he. Thanks for dropping by and for the comment. Keep in touch!

  5. lovely images and you seem to have a lot of fun...found your blog by spanish pinay..nice to see fellow kababayan in europe..ingat po..

  6. forgot to greet you a blessed and wonderful birthday...looking young at 50 po kayo!

    greetings from and my blogs.

    See The World
    Travel Euroasia
    Europe Travel Pad
    Countryside Trip
    Travel Snapshots


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.