
Friday, March 23, 2012

Liebers award!

What a surprise! I am honored to be one of them who recieve this award from " Spanish pinay". I  am an avid reader of her blog, coz I really  admired her personality and what she shared  were really  inspiring.

There are different awards like:

The Sunshine Award
This award is given to bloggers who positively and creatively inspire other bloggers in the blogosphere.

If I am going to give this award whom I think deserves the title, I probably give them to all the blogs I followed. Coz each everyone has been an inspiration to me. 

The Kreativ Blogger Award
Given to bloggers who are kreativ in their endeavors to be the best bloggers in the world of blogging

 Well, this title belongs to those blogs that I follow who have  a  lot of followers because they are doing something that are worth following. They know how to write interesting articles, touched hearts, and care for other bloggers. 

The Liebster Blog
This award is given to bloggers who has less than 200 followers so that others can help spread the word about blogs that they enjoy and help gain more followers.

And I am one of those who was lucky to get this award. First time ever in my blog history:)

But, the big but is  there is a rule to recieve  this award !

The rules that comes with recieving this award is to  talk something about yourself  ( now myself)  - usually around 7 - 10 things about you. Pass it on to other well deserving bloggers and then let them know that you have an award for them.  

 Well, if there is someone out there like me who is under Liebster Blog who read this post, you can  at least share something about yourself to us who read blogs and at least we can get to know more of each other.

Difficult for me to choose which category I will put those blogs I follow and followed me back. I believe that each and everyone deserve  an award for being there and for  just writing comments on my blogs. I am so easy to please. Just reading comments makes my heart leaps :)

Anyway, I will still tell something about myself.

So now  I have to dig deeper in my innermost being to find something to share  about myself, and it can take some time:)

1. Maybe I can tell about what makes me happy in my everyday life.

* It makes me happy:
               -getting to know people who can inspires me and whom I can learn  a lot.
                - when I can make people laugh.
               -  when I can show God's love to others.
                - being with my family.
                -  lighten the burdens of others that God sends into my life.
                - creating something with my hands.
                - seeing  the work of God in my life and others too.
                - that I can see, hear, move and be alive.
                - to be loved and have someone to love.

                - seeing others climbing from rags to riches.

                 - when the poor gets help, especially streets children and older people.

My, oh my, it is a very long list and you probaly  get bored reading all the thing that makes me I stopped now, although  there are still thousand things  that makes me happy.

2. What makes me sad, irritated or angry!

* It  grieves my heart, when children are abused and molested
* Selfish  people and  people who complains all the time irritates me.
* It makes me sad when people lie to me.
* I hate waiting. Don't like the behavior of people who can't come on time. 
* Greedy people makes me sad.
* Uncleanliness or mess around me irritates me.

3. What I am afraid of!

* darkness
* people that are drunk
* being lost
* apart from God

4. What do I like doing?

* reading and writing
* watching romantic films
* doing crafts
* serving God
* being with my loved ones

Well, I have to stop now, or maybe you fall asleep reading this blog:)

So now I pass it on to you. Hope you too will tell something about yourself too and share it with us:)



  1. It's nice to know more about you :) I like the fact that there are more things that makes you happy than things that make you sad or feel afraid. We do need positivity more than negativity in this world ;-) I do not like people who complains ALL the time either... it just pulls me down.

    Looking forward to knowing more of you!

    Spanish Pinay

  2. Congratulations!!!! Keep up the good work. God bless u more.

  3. Dami awards ah! Congrats! You deserve it. By the way, let me know kung ano gusto mong i print dun sa mga pictures. I will email you the high resolution copy nung gusto mo. Di nga perfect ang pagkakuha kasi medyo bitin sa gilid. hehehe! Di na ako makaatras para makuha talaga ng buo. Kasi daming tao sa likod.hehe!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.