
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Gifts of love!

Today is actually my birthday. I just celebrated it one week before. So today I got these gifts from my youngest daughter.

                                                            A bracelett made of pearl!

                                                                          A red dress,

and a blue one,

                                                           pluss a colorful summer scarf,

                                                           with  a beautiful card

which  she wrote:
 Dear mamma
Happy 50th Birthday!
You just getting more younger and more beuatiful as the years go by.

Hope she tells the truth:)
Isn't she sweet? 

Another surprise:

Yesterday I received  a  gift from 4 ladies that I worked with before. They gave me an orchid plant with lovely flowers:)

With a beautiful card :)  ( One of the cards I made in the activity center)

Thank you so much ladies for your thoughtfulness!

And one more surprise!  The elders gave me this card with money inside where each and everyone contributed. They said that I deserved it because I have been  so kind to them.

 I was so overwhelmed by all the thoughts and gifts and very thankkful in my heart for having such a wonderful people around me.

God's way of showing His love to me. Thank you so much Father God for making my 50th birthday so special! I could not ask for more.



  1. Happy happy birthday! You are indeed surrounded by wonderful and loving people! God bless always!

  2. happy 50th birthday! It's a big celebration at that age huh? =)

  3. Thanks to you anney and Stacy! Yes, I am very thankful for all the wonderful people that God is sending into my path like both of you. My blog friends:)

  4. hindi ka daw kasi nagshohopping kaya si kamilla na nagshopping for you. =)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.