
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Baked buns with vanilla cream filling

This is the day that the my spirit lead me to baking. And since I have been baking cakes for quite a while, this time I will try another variant. I found a recipe in one of my collections " baked buns with vanilla filling".

It is called " sømmer boller" in norwegian. This has no fillings in it. I just used the recipe for the dough and put vanilla cream fillings in it. For a change:)

These are the ingredients for the dough: 4 eggs, 200 g butter, 2 dl sugar, 6 dl fresh milk, flour and yeast. And a little bit salt. I doubled the portion since I am going to served this to the elderly in our service with them  tomorrow.

                                          I combined the dried ingredients....

                     Melted butter and put the milk in it and added to the eggs in the bowl.......

and the rest og the ingredients.

This is the dough after my food proccesor did the work for me:) 

The dough after one hour in a warm place!

Now time to make my buns!

This is the vanilla cream that I used. It is creamy, but not so sweet.

I took a small portion of the dough, flattened it with a rolling pin and put one spoon of  vanilla cream on it. 

folded the dough sideup

and put in a muffins form upside down!

And now after I lined them up in two baking pans.
 This lining up reminds me of my elementary years when we (students)  must line up in straight lines every morning to sing our national anthem. Rain or shine. As you can see in the picture, the other pan was not totally full. Well, not all the students were present either during my school years:)

And now they are in the oven and my reflection.

And my mind drifted again during my school years where I felt the pressure of being  a student. Try to fit inn, to be liked, to attain good characters, to be a nice girl and so on. And I changed school three times during those years. Very tough!
 During my adulthood, more pressures to survived. But like this dough that is now in the oven, the heat in the oven makes this pastry perfect. And so with my life,  I think. I became stronger by the heat or the pressure of life. 

And the result!

And the best part. To taste the finished product:) I put powdered sugar on top .

This is how it looks inside after baking. I suppose I can say " bon appetitt"

I hope the elders will like my " baked buns with vanilla filling. Coz after eating, I can say nam nam!



  1. the pictures are great and there's no way they won't love your buns.

  2. How very beautiful - the recipe, the pictures and the words.

  3. Hmmmmm..... yummy! Looks good to me. Thank you for sharing Joy. Blessings.

  4. oh my gosh... and it looks professionally done too! can you ship some in chicago? ;-)

  5. I bring with me, if ever I visit you there one day. hi hi

  6. Sarap! I really hope i know how to bake... but aside from the time i need to spend learning, the tools are kinda expensive plus the oven!... Guess i'll just buy cakes and pastries from the bakeshops. Hehehe!

  7. Wow, Joy, I can almost smell that bread baking. Fantastic pictures. Thank you for linking to Spiritual Sundays. To link it to your blog so others can click on it, all you have to do is highlight the words you want to link and then click on "link" at the top. A box will pop up and ask you for the url you want to link to. In the case of Spiritual Sundays it's You can change the color of the font to any color you want by highlighting it again and choosing a color. The icon at the top is a capital A with a line under it. Of course you do this before you publish the post. Also, be sure it's on "compose" and not "edit HTML".

  8. By the way, I guess you know you can go back and edit the post and make those changes even after you've published it.

  9. Yes. Thank you so much Charlotte:)Hug from me!

  10. Oh delicious. And a wonderful example of sheldering your elderly. I just surely bakelift this recipe and idea. I'm puzzling over what to use as pudding. I'm not sure we have that here, but I'll certainly look. Is it the consistency of pie pudding? I like that this isn't a sugar laden roll since so many elderly have to limit their sweets. So true that the heat of life makes us better and stronger.

  11. This is so easy than I thought. I think I must try this soon, thanks for sharing po, keep it up. Klem!

  12. Ay, ang sarap naman nyan Joy,,ginutom tuloy ako.hehehhe...ang galing mo pala mag luto momy joy..

  13. Looks really yummy. I might try it one day :-)
    Very nice analogy too on the buns and high school days haha kinda cute!

    Spanish Pinay


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