
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Act of gratefulness!

My mother- in-law is a very nice woman. One example of her kindness was that she  baked 4 cakes for me on my 50th birthday. So to show her my gratefulness,  I bought her a bottle of liquor. 

Actually, she is a widow and lives alone in her house. And it makes her very happy when we came to visit her. But because of our busy schedule, I prefer to invite her when I have an opportunity. 

So yesterday,  I invited her for dinner since I got the chance to take free from my work.  And of course when one is going to have mother-in-law as a guest, the house should be clean. He, he. So I started  my day cleaning the house first.

I set the table for three! For  me, my daughter and my mother-i-law. My husband is ombord the ship this time.

The menu: Baked chicken  with bali sauce covered with grated cheese. To be served with baked bread and salad.

The ingredients: diced bell pepper, grated cheese, cooked rice, whipping cream, and bali sauce.

Mixed all the ingredients and baked for 15 minutes.

 And dinner is served! 
My daughter posed for me, since my mother-in-law does not want to be in the picture.

And more things to be grateful about:

1. Got this bouquet of roses today from an old lady, who walked one kilometer to the store with a walker, in a cold weather, just to buy  roses for my 50th birthday. And she said in the card that I will get more later, I just have to wait patiently. I nearly cried for her kindness to me. I told her before that she  don't need to buy me  a gift. She is already a gift from God to me. But she told me that I deserved the gift. I couldn't help it just to give her  a hug.

2. When I came home today, I found a bouquet of roses hanging outside our door. This time it was from a friend of  my mother-in-law.

I called the lady to thank her. She told me that she couldn't drive last week end, so that is why I got these bouquet one week after my birthday. I told her that her thoughtfulnes touched my heart and she was happy to hear that. She said that I deserved those flowers too!

So, that is why I am so grateful to God for having these wonderful people around me. And I pray that I  can continue to show kindness to them. 

"Thought for the day"

(Picture source: Church House Collection Blog)


  1. tagal ng birthday mo ha, baka till end of march may matanggap ka pa. =)

    1. ewan ko ba sa kanila. I must be doing something nice to them. he he. It's God's love through people:)

  2. that's a touching story. you seem to be a really nice lady!

    1. Thank you Dianne for the nice words and for dropping by:)


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