
Sunday, February 26, 2012


I had a sister who lived in Germany for many years and it had been my dream to  visit her and see for myself how  she was doing  there. I had questions like:
Was it difficult to learn the German language....
Wanted to know if the Germans were nice to foriegners...
And of course the desire to see other countries apart from Norway.
               She lived in the big city of Koln, but later in Berlin.
And when the opportunity came, I took the chance.

So here I was in the big city of Koln. They have many huge and magnificent churches there like at the background. 

The city train which we used in transportation. 

City hotel at the background!


A fountain in front of a church.

At the city square.....

Before I departed, we visited a relative who also lives in Germany:)

The again after many years, I visited her again when my brother- in- law passed away.

We went to the city to shop....

Crowded city like my homeland:)

This place is a graveyard! Looks like a paradise to me!

I think we look alike!

This was their garden where they planted flowers and vegetables. This place was located outside the city.

Finally, my sister:)

My sister's kitchen

Together with friends in the church .

Well, to make a long story short, she had a nice life in Germany, lived there in 23 years, but now she is living in Norway too, like me:) 

Here we are now, older but still going strong:)


  1. Hi Joy!
    First off, thanks for visiting my blog. I really loved your comment :) How I'd love to see Germany and Norway. I have to wait for that since life is tough right now with all the economic crisis here in Spain (AND in the Philippines too!)... but I do hope one day... I'll get to visit these countries. My husband has a cousin who lived for a while in Norway and he swore that it is one of the best places to live :)

    I'm now following you too and I'm sure to frequent your site to read more about you!

    Spanish Pinay

  2. every place is so picturesque! parang fairy tale setup. =)

  3. I've never been to Koln but visited Berlin & loved it =)
    Hmm I heard that Norway is lovely too, hope to visit there in the future =)

  4. Ang ganda ng mga buildings nila dyan pati graveyard parang garden sa ganda!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.