
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Word power!

It's not too late to begin with something new although am over I am over half a hundred years old. The new game is scrabble or Word Feud.

Actually this game is not a new one. I have played this game a few times before when I was young and once in a while with my mother-in-law or daughter.

What is new then? It is new for me coz now I began  to play scrabble through my Iphone and my opponents are everywhere.  So the challenge is that my opponent can be a Norwegian or English speaking person.  And for me that is getting older, it enhances  my brain. It forces me to think really hard and to dig deeper in my vocabulary.  They say that as we grow older, brain cells dies if we are not stimulating them . So...good for me then. Maybe there is still hope for someone like me. And the positive thing is it gives me  adrenalin kick, everytime I get a high score. Word power! 

I come to think that words are really powerful. Coz words can inspires, heals, stimulates or make someone happy. Sad thing is words can also destroy, kill or hurt someone.

How about God's powerful words? It said:

How about that? We don't need to read other books to be equipped us to good works. We only need Gods words. And that is enough.

And we can really trust God with His words because he said in:

God sent His words to accomplish His perfect will in our lives.

Then maybe I have to pray for God to give me the right words when I am playing the scrabble to win the game?  He he. Joke only!
 Well, I know then that whatever I am doing, I must not forget God's word, because it is the source of life for me and for everybody who finds it.

How about you? How important are the words that you speak everyday ? How about God's word? Is it powerful for you that it gives you an adrenalin kick everytime you hear from God?

Be wise...use the powerful words of God and you will be able to stand whatever trials that may come unto you. 



  1. thanks for sharing, it is really inspiring. visiting from:
    appreciate if you can.

  2. marunong ng mag watermark sa pictures. =)


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