
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Why I believe!

Why I believe God when lots of people don't!

I believe God because:
* I was in darkness, but He showed me the light

* I was lost, but now I'm found

* I was weak, but now I find strength in God

* I was filthy, but was purified by God

* When evertything is hopeless, I find hope in God

* When everthing is in turmoil, I find peace in God

* When I'm sick, I can find healing from God and His grace is sufficient for me

* When I am in doubt, He assures me that He is alive

* When I lack wisdom, He said that He provides for those who ask

* When I feel unworthy, He assures me that I am worthy to be loved

* When I am angry, He calms my soul

* When I sinned, He tells me to repent and I can be forgiven

* When my body is aching and I'm feeling old, He gives me new strength so that I can soar my wings like an eagle

* If I can't forgive, He tells me that I should, coz I too was forgiven

* He helps me to understand, when there is chaos inside and around me

* He shows me the way, when I don't know the right way to go

* He gives me the desires of my heart according to His will

* He helps me to see the light behind the dark clouds of my life

* He promised me that I can do all things through Him who loves me

And most important of all, He has given me life !

And my question for you: Why do you believe in God? Or why not?



  1. di pa nya nabasa`:=) nasa boat pa sya. he he

  2. I believe because when I need him most & thought everything is hopeless, He comes and saves me - without fail.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. It is lovely to meet you. I am so sorry if it took me so long to visit you back.
    Thanks again & Godbless =)

  3. I believe in God because He is my creator and my savior. He shows me the right path to take when I'm lost. When I look around, I see all of His wonderful creations.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.