
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dirty, dirty, dirty

I don't know why, but in Norway before Christmas time, it is a tradition to clean the whole house from the ceiling, to the walls and to the floors. And not only that, they clean the cabinets inside and out. We call it general cleaning :) So today I started cleaning all the cabinets in the kitchen. It looks clean and nice when I opened the cabinets, but when I take out all the things that were inside, then the dirt became visible. And I used wet cloth to wiped the surfaces inside the cabinets. Afretwards  the wet cloth became dirty. My cabinets surely needs cleaning.

Then I thought that as humans, we too used take a bath, to  make us clean in our outward appearances. We don't like to be dirty. We want to smell good all the time. But how about our innermost being? How do we clean our soul, body and spirit? Coz I am pretty sure that they are being polluted everyday by what we hear, what we see and and what we  feel. And if we are not going to be cleaned and renewed, at the end the garbage that we are taking in will pollute us, and the people that we meet everyday. But there is no impossible with God. He said:

It means that we have to talk with God. Reason with God. And how do we do that? Of course by reading His words and in prayer. And the Bible is a thick book, so it may take some time, but we need to be renewed by His words  everyday.

Think how easy it is to be cleaned by God. We don't need water and soap at all. We only have to talk with God about it and we shall be cleaned.

Or we can  follow the advise of this dear old woman:)

 And to remain clean :

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