
Friday, November 25, 2011

My boring life!

My youngest daughter told me one evening that I have to create a life! My life is definitely boring.

 That is her opinion........ "Do I really have a boring life?" I asked her. She said " Yes, because you are always at home everyday and everynight and on weekdays.
Then I told her that it is not true. Because I work everyday in an activity center and my job is to do different activities with young and old alike.

 There are lot of activities that we do there like: training, singing and dancing, bingo, painting, handcrafts, bowling and different games. And I sosialize enough when I am at work. In addition, I go to Zumba training every Tuesday evening, prayer meeting every Wednesday evening, and worship day every Sunday. And I read books, magazines, watch films, I make cards, I crothet, knit, embroider,  read and write blogs and addition to facebooking and I have never ending housechores. How can my life be so boring?

She told me that I don't have friends to visit and I seldom got a visitor. I said that I have friends in facebook and in blogworld and I know many whom I can visit and invite if I have time. But I do things that I like and that makes me happy. And I told her that my life is  absolutely not boring at all. And to think that when her father is at home ( he is a seaman) then my life is even more exciting.

For her, to be happy is to be with friends. Well because she is still young. Only 18 years old. But for me, I am happy and not bored at all! Im living up to my name which is Ligaya ( means joy in English) .Of course I appreaciate my friends too, but my 24 hours a day is not enough to spend too much time partying with friends. But I'm happy for them who is having a good time with each other.

Now, is my life really boring?

 I believe :)


  1. hahaha! ano pa kaya ang tawag sa life ko, hindi lumalabas ng bahay during weekdays. no work and no visitors at home.

  2. Oo nga. Like mother, like daughter :))


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