
Friday, May 4, 2012

My ABC's of thanksgiving

I just want to be thankful today, so I repost this:)

In the last few days, I've read some post about thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a meanintgful word. In fact, I can use the whole alphabet to write what I can be thankful about. So here it is:

A- Ability: to see and read, to hear, to talk, to move, to learn, to create things with my hands, to walk,
                  to understand, to care, to share, to forgive, to love,

B- Bible:  God's written word that inspires me, guides me, gives me strength when I am weak, show me   the right path, get to know more of my Savior and how He worked with the different kinds  people and how He can also work with anyone who believes

C- Creator who made evertyhing that is seen and unseen

D- Dance with the music

E- Eternal life with God that He promised for those who accept His love and forgiveness

F- Friends that God sends along the way that makes my life exciting

G- God that can walk with me on the mountain tops and in the valleys.

H- Hope when everything seems hopeless

I- Imposssible tasks that can be possible with God

J- Jesus who died for our sins so that we can have eternal life with God

K- Kindhearted people that is willing to give

L- Love that covers all

M- Material blessings

N- Name : That everyone and everything has a name

O - Obstacles in life that makes me stronger

P- Peace in the midst of storm

Q- Quiteness

R- Rest

S- Salt that makes food tasty

T-   Tears that I can shed when I want to cry

U- Uniqueness: That each and everyone is unique

V- Vacation five weeks in a year

W- Water to drink

X- X-ray machine  that can penetrate solids and make it possible to see into or trough them

Y- Years of my life

Z-    Zinnia: A daisy -like garden plant with brightly colored flowers

Those things are my ABC's of thanksgiving. Here is the challenge. What is yours?


  1. Wow! Your list of ABC's Thanksgiving is really inspiring. Inspirations add colors to our life :)

    Blogging from Life's Learning of a Filipino WAHM , Experience of a Super MOmmy

  2. Such a wonderful post! We should always be thankful for being alive and enjoying God's gift to us.

  3. Yes, in fact there are so many things to be thankful for and the list can be never ending:). And you are one in my list that I am thankful for:)

  4. i'm running out of words.

    i'll come back when i got them all.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.