
Thursday, November 3, 2011

The dolls!

I work in an activity center for the elderly and I have the possibilty to do  many things together with them. And I can be creative too :)

Some of the elderly can still knitt  square patches like the pictures above. Then I try to make something out of this patches. I sewed them together so I can make  a stuff doll.

This is the body and the head!

Then I make a face and a dress for the doll!

I made  lots  of them with different faces. Some samples below.

Happy faces!

Stuff doll with a sad face!

I made also two of these three dolls on the shelf. Two dolls from the right.

These stuff dolls in some way make the reciever either happy or sad. Most of the time  the lucky girls were happy to get a doll like these, but not the one that I made with a sad face. It was thrown away by the girl who got it. And the lady who gave the stuff doll  didn't  have any choice but to take the doll back.
Then she asked me if I can change the face of this doll, but I said that the stuff doll was made that way and either she take it or leave it.  Then she brought it home instead:)

When I'm creating these stuff dolls, I decides how they will look like and they can't complain to me about it. If I put a happy face on it, it will remain happy. If I made a sad face on it, it will remain sad. And they can't move their feet or hands or their bodies. They are dependent of me or the owner later.

I think of myself as the creator of these stuff dolls. But I too is created by someone. This someone is the Almighty God.  Luckily, God didn't make me like these dolls I made, who did not have  any  choice. God had given me a choice to smile or laugh when I'm happy or to be sad or cry when everything gets tough. He had given me hands to do what I want to do and feet to go wherever I want to go. And God has also given me a choice to follow Him or not. As His creation, He loves me unconditionally. Unlike me,  I cannot say that I love the stuff dolls that I made unconditionally. It made me of course happy to do it, but I won't give my life for these dolls. But my creator did it for me.

And I'm not the only one that He created and loved. He created each and every one of us and died for us all. And as His creation, He wants us to be with Him in paradise one day! 

Father God thank you for creating me/us . Thank you  for we are all unique in your eyes. I pray that we will used the eyes that you had given us to see the needs around us and used ours hands to do something about it. To hear your voice everyday so that we can be guided where to go. And to choose to smile no matter what circumstances are because you said:

And Him is God our creator!


  1. Ganda ng dolls, magdala ka nito paguwi mu dito sa pinas. Chels

  2. sige, I try to make for the girls:)

  3. gusto ko yung doll sa middle (last picture).

  4. sori, na sold na dolls na yan!


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