
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The blind man!

John 9:1-3 And as he passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth. And his diciples asked him, saying, Rabbi, who sinned, this man , or his parents, that he should be born blind? Jesus answered, "Neither did this man sin. nor his parents: but the work of God should be manifest in him".

The disciples wondered who had sinned, because the man was born blind. They wanted an answer from Jesus. Just like we do, We often wondered who was the guilty one, but no one wants to get the blame. The criminals do such horrible deeds, but they blame others why they do such a thing.

When I read this verse, my mind went backwards. I remember my childhood. Why? Because my father was blind too, like the man in the bible. I remember that we were his eyes. If he was going anywhere, one of us must go with him.

 Although my father was a blind man, he was not weak. He was a man full of wisdom. I learned a lot from him. I  loved being with him when I was a child coz he told me a lot of fairytales. It gave me the inspiration to read books. It made me forget the difficulties we had although for just a moment. In his stories, it always ends good for those who experience hardships. Then I thought that my future will be brighter too. I dreamed that I was a princess too!

He was also a good listener and  often he had an  answer for my many whys, where and when!  One day I asked my father who God was and where did he came from. He told me that God was the beginning and he created the heaven and the earth.

Well, I am was born curious, so it was natural for me to seek this God that my father talked about. When I learned how to read, I began reading the new testament. But the more I read, the more I did not understand and more questions puffed up in my mind. That is why the bible is a book that have to be read again and again. But although I had more questions about Gods words, I got many answers from it too.

But as I grow up and had to face many storms in my life and felt many times alone, I asked God where he was. Was he blind too? Does he care for someone like me?

Did God answer me? Yes, he did. Not the time I wanted him to be, but in his perfect time. In fact I learned that being in want teached makes me too work harder, to be patient and to put my trust in GOd.
To acquire more knowledge and wisdom because its the only thing in the world that others cannot steal from me.

Today I will call myself a lucky woman. Now I can buy the things I want or need, travel to many different places, meet different kinds of people and feel loved by my family and  people around me and God.

I am not saying that I don't experience difficulties now, but the difference is now I really know that God is not blind. He sees me and promised to be with me to matter what. As I looked back in my life, I can now say that  the trials that I had, made me a better person  and I can now really see Gods helping hands during the darkest moments of my life.

"I was blind, but now I see".  I found the source of light:)

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