
Thursday, August 20, 2020

A challenge

Hello to you. Hope you enjoy the day.
Today I posted lots of selfies in different dresses. Challenge from Frodith, but I'm not showing only one dress, but the dresses I've been wearing lately. Since I am still on holiday usually only wears jogging pants and tshirts at home . Therefore, used instead the pictures from the mobile phone and hope it is approved.


Ending this post with the word from God:


Bonding with sister

Hello! A new day and new opportunities again for both you and me. Yes, time flies and sometimes it feels like that at I could not keep up. Not everything I have planned to do is done due to health issues. Do you feel that way sometimes?
A friend once told me that I should not concentrate on the things that I can no longer do, but on the things that I had managed to do before and on other things that I can still do. And she's right about that.
I have found that it is important to find bright spots in everyday life so that pain and challenges become manageable.
And one thing is important for all of us. Taking care of the family. And I'm lucky to have a sister who lives nearby. Although we rarely meet, but we keep in touch. And one day it suited for both of us because she has time off from work, and I am on holiday and the sun is shining. I asked her if she would like to go on a trip to the angel on top of a mountain and she said yes. That place is half an hour drive from where I live.
And here we were on our way to the top. Had to stop several times to catch Our breath because neither of us was in good shape.


There was a lot to see around us that I captured with a camera.

And finally we got to the top and the view was impeccable.

And here was the angel. She had not moved :)

Afterwards we went for a walk to the Vallersund farm. The store was closed due to corona times. But it was still nice there.

I saw an apple tree. I was very happy to see that there was an abundance of fruit there. I have just one apple in my apple tree. It will probably fall down if there is a gale. But the store has a lot of apples, so it's probably going well for me.

Do you have a family nearby that you are often with?
Do you have fruit trees in your garden?
Ending this post with today's words and prayer:

Image may contain: text that says "you DiDn't choose me. CHOSE you appointeD you to go and PRODUCe lasting fRuit so that the Father will give you whatever you ask FOR, using my name. John 15:16"

Dear Jesus, I thank You for choosing me to do an specific task. To go and bear fruit. A fruit that remain. But thank You that as I go, You go with me so that You can infuse life in me when I needed it.

You can light my path in the dark alleys. You can provide strength when I am weak. Wisdom, when I am confused and faith when everything seems hopeless.

Hold my hands Jesus so that I can be healed too.
I thank You that as I obey, I can ask the Father whatever I need and he will answer my prayer. Amen


Tuesday, August 18, 2020



Hello, hello to you! Is it still summer in your place? Here the sun is up with its most beautiful smile and then we smiled back. Heard it before "smile and the whole world smiles back at you."
But today I'm going to talk about snow ... even though it's not winter yet. I mean "Snøhetta" where my husband and I have been the last time we were in Dovrefjell. Just had to see it regardless of whether our feet were already tired after having already walked over 7 kilometers early in the morning that day. Could not postpone the hike due to rain being reported the next day.
We were going to Viewpoint Snøhetta.


Here my husband was with others at the starting point. It is 1500 meters up to the viewpoint. There were no musk to see or any living animals around.

On the way there, a number of stone slabs to tell visitors the history of the Dovre mountain over the last 10,000 years.

Up we go ..

And finally we came to the lookout post with others.

Have you been here? If so, it's worth a visit :)
Ends with today's words and prayer:

Dear God, there are so many many lights flashing in this world and we are tempted by both. Light from TV, PC, and mobile screen. And not to mention lights at parties at night. The light of the world. It captures and tempts us.
Help each of us to find the true light that comes from You. And walk in Your light for it never goes out. So that You can cleanse us from all sin. I pray this prayer for me and everyone I love. Amen

Monday, August 17, 2020

Oslo with our daughter

Yes, it was a long time since our daughter has moved to Oslo and she had also moved from the first apartment to now the second before we had time to visit. She has a life and we have it too and it is therefore not easy to meet often. But this time we finally got the opportunity to visit her.
She shares this apartment with a friend so that the rent becomes affordable.
It is very nice apartment. She lives on the fourth floor and if you go up to the top floor, you see Oslo city.

A small park and Fagerborg church next door.
"Yes, now you really see how it looks like here with me and not just in pictures," she said. "It was nice here," we said
Our daughter went for a walk with us to show us the surroundings where she lives.
We did not go to the center or the castle because we have seen it before and we the oldies could not go any further.


Uranienborg church

It was a nice time with her.
We felt at home. Took afternoon rest before heading out for dinner. It's always good to be together as a family. We are :)
Maybe we will not see each other again before Christmas.
Do you have a child or relative living in Oslo?
Or maybe you live there?
Today's tip: Fresh air is good! A daily walk of at least twenty minutes is good for both the skin and Health.