
Monday, December 31, 2012

So much to be thankful about!

I just feel so lucky having co -bloggers around the world who really turned my life upside down. Made my life more exciting and I feel more loved than ever before.  Received many Christmas greetings than ever before. Lately Jessica from " Sketches of words made a portrait of me. And this time, I fell in love with my face:) Jessica is very talented. And she has a promising future. Thank you so much Jessica. This is a treasure for me.
Phioxee from " Wanderer" sent me a Happy New Year greeting. Oh my! I am really blessed meeeting these lovable young people in blogsphere.

I want to thank also Ric from " Life N Canvas" for these special New Year's greeting to us. 

He wrote "Let me also thank the people behind these wonderful blogs! Thank you for always dropping by! I’ll be looking forward to hearing reading more from you.

According to him: More inspiring blogs

Thanks Ric and you inspires us too. We are very lucky knowing you.

I want also to thank Jondmur for the Happy New year greetings he made for me/us. To be seen at the right side of my blog:)

Thanks to Ole Johnny Male for letting me published his pictures in my blog.  Pictures under. They are really worth sharing.

 Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau

Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Victor Hugo

To find what you seek in the road of life, 
the best proverb of all is that which says:
"Leave no stone unturned."
Edward Bulwer Lytton

If you would create something,
you must be something.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Life is so temporary; it can end any time. I don't want to look back on my life some day and see waste... I want fruit that remain. Dave Hannah

Every artist was first an amateur.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be.
Horace Bushnell

Life has no smooth road for any of us; and in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim the very roughness stimulates the climber to steadier steps, till the legend, over steep ways to the stars, fulfills itself. 
W. C. Doane

Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action.
Benjamin Disraeli

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.
Orison Swett Marden

And of course I want to thank God for my precious familty that God has given me despite the distance. I love you all!

And with these pictures and quotes, I just want to wish everyone a " Happy New Year"


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Forever young?

Who can be forever young? We want to be. People searched for the spring of life. Used fortune just make oneself  looking young and do a lot of remaking and restoring and you name it. Is it that really important?

Yesterday, I was invited by my friend Mercy to a small gathering of friends in her house.
                             Outside was cold and snowing!
But this lady wanted to come. To be with friends and to feel the warmth of their presence.
                Meet the guests who wants to be forever young!



Mercy prepared so much food for some of us. Athough we were not complete because some couldn't come for different reasons.

          The guests brought desserts, but I forgot to take pictures:)

                        But we did enjoyed each other's company. 
                           Lots of laughter and sharing our ups and downs!

Yes, sharing! Wondering how do we look like now if we stayed in our homecountry.....

Just look at my picture before I came to Norway. This was my NBI clearance picture. I was 27 years old that time. Very scary. My difficult life showed in this picture.
Who would though that I after 23 years I would look like this? Now, I am 50 years old.

Well, better life and better condition does help much. And God's grace and goodness.

But, are we exempted for heartaches, problems, trials because we live in a rich country? Of course not. Because behind those smiles and still looking young faces, there are secrets that probably tearing their hearts. One is not exempted for sickness that can cause one to die young, problems in marriage, work and the list is endless. Just like any other human being in this planet. There are fear of death, fear being  of alone or losing someone and fear of the unknown.

That made us think that the only person we can rely on is God.

This morning God lead me to:

And that is Jesus encouragement for everyone. Wishing to be forever young is not possible in our life on earth, but one day when we get to heaven, then we will be forever young. Inside and out.

And Jesus provides the way. We only have to believe. 

                  Happy New Year to all my friends!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Unforgettable Christmas!

My beloved husband sent his  greetings  from the sea!

So this is me and my Christmas tree to celebrate Christmas with:)

Just joking because my youngest daughter came home from Mexico and she preffered to celebrate Christmas with me, although it was tough enough to choose between me and her grandmother, cousin and aunt in my husband's side, which we used to celebrate with every Christmas.

But this Christmas, we were invited by my sister who lives nearby to celebrate Christmas with them which made this Christamas special in it's own way, as my daughter described it. It was her first time to celebrate Christmas with them. 

Anyway, after attending the mass, which I do every Christmas eve,  we drove to my sister's house.

We are are now at the entance of their love nest.

"God Jul" means Merry Christmas

Sunset at three pm in winter time.

And here is my sister and Kamilla!

My sister invited  Cynthia a friend with her two adorable  daughters Gina and Helene to celebrate Christmas with us. First time too!

Together with us is Otelia. My brother in law's mother. She is 92 years old. 

Hope my brother in law forgive me for publishing this picture. But have to remember this memorable moment.

And I want to thank him and my sister for all these foods that they prepared for everyone. 

Home made desserts!

I baked a bunn for Pavlova cake and the young ones decorated it and the young once at the background. Feeling young huh sister? LOL

As you can see!

To be eaten with " multe krem and krum kaker". Norwegians Christmas dessert. Krum kaker ( cones) made by my brother in law.

Anyway, after dinner we talked about what we want to thank God for or special things that happened to us lately. And it was very special to hear the youth tells their unforgettalble moments this year and a 92 year olds precious moments. We didn't notice the time.

But before we open the gifts, we take turn reading the birth of Jesus Christ. And this is the highlight of the season. The birth of the Son of God.

Gina reading two verses after Alf, me, Kamilla and Helene!

Her mother's turn!

And my sister at last!

And with that, I want to thank God for all the gifts I received this Christmas!

And for these lovable people who sent me  special greetings!

 Lala of " Captured Realities

And the prince of " Chateau De Archieviner"

and from one of my favorite bloggers " Jondmur" who made me both smile and cry with his posts and touching my heart with his comments:)
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  And thank you so much also for this wonderful greeting from
                            Pao- Kun "